23 thoughts on “Free Coffee!

  1. Brother Barnabas

    Yeah – Fresh represents a real blow to gentrification in the area. It literally takes Dublin back to its roots.

    1. Barry the Hatchet

      I love going into Fresh of an evening and buying a box of organic red quinoa for €12, just like my Granddad did back in the day.

  2. Vote Rep #1

    Fresh is terrible. Exceptionally expensive and terrible to work for. I can only presume that this tweet is from a pr person working for them.

  3. spider

    Isn’t Fresh just a marketing exercise by BWG? Owned by the same people as Mace/Centra with some expensive posh products thrown in…

  4. Anomanomanom

    Burritos are gentrification now are they. Must stop buying the oppressive food, keeping the cabbage and potatoes down.

    1. Harry Molloy

      Burritos are cultural appropriation. It’s problematic to buy them if you don’t get them from an authentic Mexican. Be better.

      1. Killian G

        Oh goodness.

        Trousers are also cultural appropriation then. And if you’re not Chinese, you’re an insulting racist for even owning a pair.

        From now on, I request that you dress yourself in a koteka. You can get ceremonial ones that would probably suffice for formal wear.

  5. Marklar

    There is already a million coffee shops around there and Fresh already had a sit down area. Enjoy the free PR.

    1. Christopher

      Well he tweeted it at broadsheet and Una Mullalley so I am guessing he just thinks they’ll retweet anything for free.

  6. Gay Tea Shop

    Huh? Camden Street area is already gentrified with the “Alexa, make these nasty homeless and local Liberties people go away” tech and media set. “Equality Yes” the de rigeur sticker on their 3,000 Euro laptops in Bunsen and Camden Rotisserie.

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