‘I Look Up To Her’


Author Nicola Pierce and a child’s homework in which the child writes about Nicola

Drogheda-based author Nicola Pierce (top) tweetz:

A proud mother just sent this to me. So fascinating to read about this year through the eyes of her daughter. It has made my week!!

Nicola Pierce

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11 thoughts on “‘I Look Up To Her’

  1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?


    Good luck, Nicola: my Mum has just come out the other side of breast cancer so I know how tough chemo is.

  2. Ina.

    I enjoyed the book, but I thought you could’ve mentioned how sectarian the shipyard was i.e. that Roman Catholics were not employed in it.

    1. Neilo

      Maybe it was a kindness to spare some kids from the ceaseless plaints of the MOPE/Industrial Complex until they’re a little older? ;-)

      1. Ina.

        Kids of 7 are old enough for injustice to be taught to them. If we don’t teach them that we’re just normalizing it, you can’t leave them in cottonwool, that’s never worked.

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