Calculate The Impact


Currency Impact Calculator

This morning.

As part of its Brexit response, Enterprise Ireland writes:

The continuous fluctuation of the value of Sterling continues to raise concerns among businesses and exporters.

Enterprise Ireland has launched its Currency Impact Calculator tool to help businesses assess whether foreign exchange risk is a critical issue for their business and if so, to guide the company’s foreign exchange risk management strategy….

Currency Impact Calculator here

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3 thoughts on “Calculate The Impact

  1. eoin

    The calculator shows the collapse in sterling is a godsend for manufacturers who import a lot of raw materials from the UK and sell very little into the UK. Thank God for Enterprise Ireland because, without this tool, we’d never have known, or even bothered to ask the question. €10k well spent on our behalf, lads.

    1. some old quare

      Sure- just phone up the farmers and tell them to get rid of all the cows, bury themselves in between half and one million Euros worth of debt each to buy new machinery and oh- make sure you are ready to go by end of September.

    2. some old quare

      Depends on the industry but as a rule- the supply chain of components or raw materials is just as reliant on UK as Exports.

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