Music producer Mark Ronson and talent executive Rebecca Schwartz.

On Thursday’s episode of Good Morning Britain, Ronson, 44, revealed the news after learning the term backstage.

By definition, a sapiosexual person is “someone who finds intelligence and the human mind to be the most sexually attractive feature for a potential sexual relationship,” according to Psychology Today.

After sharing his orientation, the show’s host asked Ronson, in a clip shared by The Sun, “Now that we know that you’re single, you are identifying as a man who likes intellect?”


Music Producer Mark Ronson Reveals He Identifies as Sapiosexua (People)

Mark Ronson reveals he identifies as sapiosexual – meaning he’s ‘attracted to intelligence’ before gender (The Sun)

Pic: Getty

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25 thoughts on “Saps

    1. george

      Given the choice between a good looking intelligent person and an intelligent person who was not good looking which would you choose?

      Given the choice between an attractive person who was intelligent and an attractive person who was not which would you choose?

    1. Clampers Outside

      Triggered? …Guffaw!

      Completely the other direction young man. This is cartoon level hilarity of all the gender-spectrum-identity horsepoo …up there will the Sam Smith claptrap :0)

      1. Slightly Bemused

        I have to agree. I am very much attracted to people of intelligence, but I am not making up a pseudo-scientific word for it. I just think clever people are clever and would like to be in their company. And of the top ten people I admire most that I have actually met, 7 of them are ladies (one was a girl when I first met her, but 30 odd years have passed, so…)

        But the big issue for me is what people consider intelligence. For me, it is not learning – that is merely education. Being able to quote Shakespeare is not a sign of your smarts, only of your learning. A few of the most intelligent people I have met never finished school. But boy! did they put me in my place :-)

          1. B9 Com From No

            A backlash quickly developed amongst those concerned about the potential negative consequences of the trend. Parenting experts and counselors formed anti-thigh gap movements.[1] The medical community and female-empowerment advocates have also commented critically on the subject,[16] and the U.S. National Eating Disorders Association launched a website to promote healthy body image and attitudes to food and weight.[17]

            Australian plus-size model Robyn Lawley criticized the thigh gap trend, denouncing it as “just another tool of manipulation that other people are trying to use to keep me from loving my body”.[18] Target Corporation apologized after Cassey Ho discovered[19] that a photo of a model had a photoshopped thigh gap for a girl’s bathing suit ad.[20] Old Navy came under criticism by bloggers after a photo of a mannequin wearing women’s plus-size jeans on their website appeared to have a small thigh gap placed so that the jeans on the mannequin would look thinner than they would look on an actual person.[21] Old Navy subsequently stated that they do not use any photo-editing techniques to alter the apparent shape of their products, but they do sometimes use pins on clothing to adjust how it fits a mannequin

    1. Spaghetti Hoop

      Hear hear. I think people are inventing new categories for themselves following late night wine-fuelled introspective dinner parties.

    1. kellyma

      I do love his hair (and his coat) and now that he is a sapiosexual, he is SO edgy (eyes turned firmly to heaven)

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