US Congressman Rep. Emanuel Cleaver


The 117th US Congress kicked off with a Democrat representative delivering the opening prayer concluded by saying “amen,” before adding “a-woman.”

Via Washington Examiner:

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, Missouri Democrat, ended his prayer “in the name of the monotheistic god,” then added what sounded like “Brahma,” before finishing with “and god known by many names by many different faiths. Amen and a-woman.”

Critics, led by Republican lawmakers, were quick to point out that “amen” means “so be it,” and does not refer to the male gender, while “a-woman” doesn’t mean anything.


‘Amen and a-woman’: House opening prayer goes gender-inclusive (Washington Examiner)


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27 thoughts on “So Be It

  1. Junkface

    Ha ha ha! This is pretty funny. Identity politics are so confusing that people don’t know what to say or include for fear of the backlash from woke twitter mobs.

  2. Harry

    Massive roll eyes at so many different aspects of that. But a smile too, the worlds a funny old place

    1. Clampers Outside

      +1 :)

      They’ll have to come with inclusive words for every word with the letters m-e-n are written in that order.

      Those who do who are simpleton like idiots, truth be told.

  3. goldenbrown

    and we wonder just how in jasus Sacha Baron Cohen keeps catching ’em out so easily

    can it be explained? an education deficit? lack of basic critical thought skills?

    it’s no laughing matter…given how we rely upon them to function properly in a worldly sense

  4. Redundant Proofreaders Society

    This is incredibly funny, from the land that gave us Google and god-fearing bible talk.

  5. newsjustin

    In a roundabout way, this carry-on provides a clue as to how someone like Trump could be elected in that country. A whole cohort of senior politicians and their enablers on both sides of the party political divide have lost the run of themselves and forgotten how and why (despite its faults) the USA worked pretty well for a while there.

  6. Brother Barnabas

    although it’s no more a latin word than it is an english word

    comes from biblical hebrew

  7. Harry

    In what future century will the USA elect even an openly agnostic president?
    If ever there was an argument for state secularism ….
    Instead of the congressman making a fool of himself, one may imagine some genius creating an all inclusive wording for the prayer along the lines of the “universal god”

    1. bisted

      …in case you hadn’t noticed, Ireland elected an openly agnostic President…you remember Squee who promptly swore the oath…but sure isn’t that the kind of thing you do when you’re from the labour genepool…
      …the Dail also starts every session with a catholic prayer…

    2. Redundant Proofreaders Society

      ‘Whatever you’re having yourself’ is the perfect secular replacement phrase.

  8. Oro

    I believe this is a bit of a running wordplay joke in the US south and Midwest. Comments above are interesting to say the least.

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