Dreams From My Father


Last night.

Tuam Campaigner Breeda Murphy is joined by English lawyer Frank Brehany (top left), who movingly tells how he fulfilled a promise to his late father Frank Snr. (top right), a Tuam adoptee.

Eunan Duffy was unable to join us but will return next week.

This is the tenth in a series of shows with Breeda and Eunan looking at all aspects of the Mother and Baby Home Report. They can be viewed here.

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4 thoughts on “Dreams From My Father

  1. Niamh

    Thanks so much for these interviews, Broadsheet. Thanks to Frank for sharing his story. What a coincidence about that B&B!

  2. John F

    Well done to all at the broadsheet for giving these people a platform on which to share their stories. There is something strange about how other media outlets appear to dance around the issue and seem to avoid it where ever possible.
    It was a harrowing story to listen to. sadly this sort of thing has been going on for years. I know something similar happened on my mother’s side of the family where and man come over from the UK with all the adoption papers wanting to find out more about his mother. (My grandaunt).
    There is a lot of skeletons in this country’s past that the Catholic Church and the broader establishment would like if people forgot about.

  3. eamonn

    I love his description of the train journey back home.
    Frank comes across as a very interesting man, his grand mother and grandfather’s story, so so sad.
    Would you not think that when commissions are being set up without the potential to compel members to answer questions/attend committees it reinforces the notion that they are set up in a certain way ? Particularly as there is a mechanism to compel, am I missing something here ?
    Thanks to Frank for sharing, thanks to Broadsheet for facilitating the discussion.
    On another note Frank’s dad reminds me of Mick McCarthy – a little bit.

  4. Brother Barnabas

    no matter how often you hear these stories, they dont get any easier to listen to

    thanks + respect to BS

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