Making Changes Without A Row


Following a successful trial last weekend.

From an idea by Hugo’s (above).

Dublin City Council has announced that outdoor dining is to be facilitated on Merrion Row, Dublin 2.

Via RTE:

In a statement yesterday afternoon, the council said the system would be in place initially for the summer, and that a review would take place in the autumn to assess its viability on a long-term basis.

The council has said that, as a result, a number of changes will be made in the coming weeks to the area, including the removal of eight carparking spaces on the east side of Ely place.

The footpaths on Merrion Row will be widened on both sides, with one lane of traffic remaining to facilitate traffic from Kildare Street.

Pic via Hugo’s

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12 thoughts on “Making Changes Without A Row

  1. ce

    Oh, there will be a row, there has to be one…

    … and lots of traffic cones will get nicked

  2. Dr.Fart

    have to keep one lane, for the ministers driving home after their one afternoon of work every Wednesday.

  3. frank

    Merrion Row is one of the last places in Dublin I’d like to ‘dine’ outside. You’d have to look at the like of our housing minister slugging his way from government buildings into Doheny & Nesbitt’s every day.

    1. ce

      Sure most of them can’t use a knife and fork, what’s the point. If it’s not a bag of chip, spice-box, or apache pizza, they won’t know what to do…

      1. Paulus

        Ex cuse me:
        Northsiders are perfectly capable of using a knife.
        As for the fork…

  4. Jdawgs

    This is so short sighted and such a bad idea. I live on Ely Place and there Arne that many people living on Ely, Hume St or Merrion Row. It’s a wind tunnel of a street even on a hot day. And with tall buildings on the east side you won’t be sitting out getting much sun. There are only a handful of restaurants that this can pander too. There was a trial test done on a weekend when traffic is always very light compared to mid week. And just whilst I’m on a roll I’m pretty sure when I was in Hugo’s restaurant a year ago the waiter was coked off his face. My 2 cents

      1. Broadbag

        + 1 feck Hugo’s, yer wan is on constantly moaning about this that or the other, squeakiest wheel getting the oil yet again.

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