Zero-Sum Game


This morning.

Leinster House, Dublin 2.

People Before Profit TDs Richard Boyd Barret and Paul Murphy hold a press briefing on the planned re-opening of pubs to the vaxxed. The pair have called for a ‘Zero Covid ‘strategy of further, more severe lockdowns and the closure of pubs and restaurants.

Via Irish Times:

The Government’s decision to reopen indoor hospitality in bars and restaurants for people who are vaccinated or who have recent immunity has been described as a “reckless mistake” by an Opposition TD. People Before Profit TD Paul Murphy said the Government was “rushing” into the move, which he said was being made at “the behest” of a private business lobby.
The impact of the decision would come at a cost to public health, he told RTÉ Radio’s Morning Ireland.

Reopening indoor hospitality now a ‘reckless mistake’, Paul Murphy says (Irish Times)



Mr Murphy following his first Covid jab.

Soon he will be free.

Paul Murphy TD (Facebook)

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15 thoughts on “Zero-Sum Game

  1. scottser

    nobody has a grá for further lockdowns – the lads are on a hiding to nothing on this one.

  2. MoRhustyDilis

    What an oxymoron. The party of the people, who want people before profit, want further lockdowns that will have a huge knock on effect for these people who they want to represent. To further allow the big pharma to make more profits! You couldn’t make this up. Crazy land here we come.

    1. SOQ

      Yes the Irish hard left have latched onto the worker’s rights angle and that is as far as they are willing go. That lockdowns hurt the poorest most doesn’t seem to register at all, nor that the recent marches in London were just as much Left as Right.

      1. E'Matty

        They completely ignore the fact the lockdowns have resulted in the destruction of small and medium businesses, often family owned, whilst the corporate titans are cleaning up. One only has to look at the wealth increase of the top billionaires to see who lockdowns serve. People before Profit are in lockstep with the very corporate and financial interests they claim to oppose.

  3. Nigel

    Huh. Outright calling for more restrictions is actually fairly brave, politically. Nobody likes or wants them, and FF/FG are just sort of muddling along, experimenting with easing restrictions here and there, toying with unworkable proposals to sort of semi-reopen, letting NPHET take the heat for everything without actually challenging NPHET on anything. I don’t even know what Labour and SF are saying about them as policies, to be honest. I expect general muddling to continue, to the despair of everyone.

    1. MR.T

      Brave or totally idiotic?

      I suppose it depends on your point of view – if you’re middle class and unaffected, then sure, its a great idea

  4. John

    Are people suggesting that the lads might be contradicting themselves?

    Sure last week Murphy was going on about how most indoor hospitality ventilation wasn’t good enough. Seems like he’s a ventilation/airflow expert now.

  5. John F

    Nobody should be surprised by this.
    Far left politicians and academics are purposefully trying to bankrupt the state. Because it will allow them scope to rebuild it along the lines that they desire, as Socialist Republic, bordering on Communist.
    I guarantee you they wouldn’t be going on with this rhetoric if they knew there was an election coming in 6 months time. They know they be turfed out of office. But with the way things stand, the only parties that would want an election are Sinn Fein, the social Democrats, and maybe Labour. Suffice to say that that’s not enough.
    The parties in government know they will get decimated if an election is called any time soon. They are counting on a be economic bounce in the 2nd half of their term. There are also counting on the fact that the average voter as a memory like a goldfish….. And do you know what they could be right.
    We cant all be rich, so lets all be poor together. It solidarity right!

    1. Harold Molloy

      100% this, they’re MO is to spread misery and discontent to increase their vote. And to expedite the revolution!

      (They’ll be a while waiting for that one )

  6. Nullzero

    The privileged face of Irish left wing politics pushing for a situation that makes the lives of the poor even worse.

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