Davos 2019.

Reset hungry Leo Varadkar (WEF Young World Leaders’ Forum class of 2014) passes the Schwab test.

Good times.

Full session here.

Previously: Meanwhile. At Davos

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69 thoughts on “My Boy

    1. Me so Harney

      Meaningless tripe from a radicalised mandate loving chancer.

      Still feeling the burn from Monday.

    2. Micko

      Equating Broadsheet to Stormfront is just really really effin stupid.

      Unless you post regular there too Daisy? In which case fire away. ;p

      Besides what’s really fascist? It’s a moving target. Hard to define in todays terms isn’t it?

      Is it;

      A bunch of US/Canadian morons waving a flag around from a failed crazy ideology that was destroyed 80 years ago (check it out – there’s books and movies and stuff about it – who knew eh?)


      Forcing people to undergo a medical procedure (right now in 2022) under threat of losing their incomes, homes, friends, family ties etc.

      I know which one feels more fascist to me…

      1. Doxxy Chainsaw

        A medical procedure? No wonder antivaxxers are seen as liars and loons with hyperbole like that!

        1. Micko

          Of course it is a medical procedure. A foreign object enters your body (boom boom)

          And it is a potentially dangerous one.

          There must be choice.

          To force it on people is wrong.


          And who’s an anti-vaxxer? Again, I’m wary of ONE vaccine.

          To paraphrase Ricky Gervais speaking on God and belief in other Gods.

          I just believe in one less vaccine then you do…

          1. Micko

            Yes, the choice to lose their incomes, homes, friends, family ties etc.

            How very fascist of you…

            “Do as ve say or yer vill be conceuenzces”

            You’re full of it Daisy

          2. Me so Harney

            “And people have a choice. Choices also come with consequences.”


            Yeah right, like the choice not to swallow complete bs and spew it all over the internet like you did ALL day and night on Monday.

            Give it a rest jaysus, and for once try and show some bleedin humility

          3. Me so Harney

            Radicalised mandate loving loon becomes increasingly agitated as pigeon legged narrative crumbles..

            Take a break from the internet and learn some humility

        2. E'Matty

          Ah, Eleanor Abernathy is back to throw cats and spit venom on behalf of the globalists. Good woman yourself Eleanor (my new name for Daisy).

    3. Doxxy Chainsaw

      Your latest obsession? You must have many happy memories of her and all I can hope is that you paid her the going rate for her services.

    4. Johnny 'Diego' Keenan

      Seriously how much are the suits paying you Miss Chainsaw Massacer??

      You’re the worse troll on the sheet. That’s saying something

        1. E'Matty

          Nah, I suspect Eleanor does this all for free and is most likely an angry middle aged lonely bitter woman angry at the world, hates men, collects cats, and thinks supporting the billionaire class is progressive and Liberal. Am I right Eleanor, am I right? Lol.

        1. ian - oG

          If it started out as an alternate news source with great contributors who one by one left in disgust and how much the site was willing to turn a blind eye to peoples affiliations with the far right, racists and homophobes in the name of its pathological obsession with covid I might have, just to try to reason out where it all went wrong.

          Tragic really.

          1. Micko


            Who here is far right? No-one

            Who here is racist? No-one

            And there’s a couple of openly Gay people on here. Are they hassled regularly for their sexuality? Nope

            “its pathological obsession with covid”

            Yup – all the kids are into it. We’re all obsessed – you too.

            Pssst….That’s why we’re talking ;)

          2. ian - oG

            Not too many openly far right or racists directly on the site but plenty of twitter links to some dodgy people and threads but there have been some openly transphobic articles published by the site.

            Place is sliding. Where do you think all those fantastic contributors of yesteryear went.

          3. Micko

            “Where do you think all those fantastic contributors of yesteryear went.”

            If you’re talking about people who used to post articles. I think that people who used to post under their own name are very cautious about what they say, and have probably taken a step back. Not wanting to get dragged into debates about things.

            Other’s probably just got sick of the repetitive back and forth – but not us eh? We’re lifers ;-)

            I’d say you’ll see some contributors return now that opinions in Ireland are a little less hot headed with the relaxing of the restrictions .


            “plenty of twitter links to some dodgy people and threads”

            Linking to a twitter feed is not an endorsement of every single thing that person says.

            For example, me agreeing with someone on a single subject that someone says on Twitter or here on BS, does not mean that I agree with every single facet of that person’s point of view.*

            Hell, several times over the last while, I’ve said that I don’t agree with some of the more “conspiratorial” posters here. Only today, (below) I asked K.Cavan to chill with the “told ya so” crap.

            But I agree with him on LOTS of other things.

            As I agree with YOU on a lot of things Ian.

            Less black and white man – it’s all grey

            Luv ;)


            * BTW, I know you know all this and you’re not silly. I just think we all get hyped up on here. Sorry if I’m coming across a bit patronising.

    1. Micko


      Is it not a bit worrying that Leo was at this?

      This Klaus fellah is a bit mental… not sure it’s a good idea that he’s going around influencing world leaders – especially our bloody ones!

      I mean I know you lads are all about the “there’s nothing to see here” this is all kosher and you “anti-people” are mad conspiracy theorists, but he’s literally on a fupping stage with him!

      1. Rob_G

        “Is it not a bit worrying that Leo was at this?”

        What, at a well-publicised conference, the programme and sessions of which are publicly-available online for anyone* who wants to view them?

        *though surely of interest only to the nerdiest of policy wonks

        1. Me so Harney

          “though surely of interest only to the nerdiest of policy wonks”


          A conference for what Rob?

          And why is Klaus Schwab important?

        2. Micko

          Some of Klaus policies around the Great Reset seem to be a bit barmy to be honest though Rob.

          The whole “own nothing and be happy” for one. (if true – some say it is – I dunno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

          In fact, the whole WEF being an government lobbying NGO is dodgy to me.

          Plus, I’d be generally wary of anyone who has feckin
          “Bond Villain” level of access to world leaders

        3. K.Cavan

          Of course, Rob, better to ignore what’s planned for the future of your society, that way it won’t effect you, right?

      2. K.Cavan

        Blair, Brown, Ardern, all graduates of Klaus’s academy, Micko. It’s a bit late to be thinking this is a bit worrying, Klaus’s boys & girls have been in charge for quite a while & the results are evident. They’ve given our societies & economies a right royal seeing-to.

        1. EMicko

          Ah now hang on man

          Telling people “it’s a bit late” isn’t helping anyone see your point.

          You don’t want to be the “I prefer his earlier stuff” guy.

          You can’t convince people of your point by telling them they already missed the train.

          The attitude of “ oh you’re only realising this now” only makes people dig their heels in further.

          1. K.Cavan

            In my opinion, EMicko, people who weren’t elected having any influence on politics is bad news. I don’t think I can be accused of being a crazed democracy-supporter for believing that. This stuff HAS been going on for years & I pointed out that “it’s a bit late to be thinking THIS IS A BIT WORRYING”.
            I stand by that quote but you went a bit crazy with the oul inverted commas after that, didn’t you?

      3. K.Cavan

        Sure Coveney goes every year, Micko. “Own nothing and be happy”, what do you mean, if that’s true, have you not seen the ad?

        1. Micko

          Well I’ve seen a video saying it alright.

          But I’ve never seen it come directly from the WEF.

          Happy to be corrected though

    2. E'Matty

      Totes Rob G, because since then Klaus is not still head of the WEF and Varadkar wasn’t Taoiseach during this pandemic? Sheepie doesn’t understand significance of country’s leader being in the pocket of nutty globalist with publicly stated objective of transforming the world and merging the digital, the biological and the physical, where “You will own nothing and be happy” and be chipped by 2026. Good Sheepie, baa baa…

  1. SailorGerry

    It is pretty much open knowledge that the WEF at the behest of its masters, choose the correct people to govern over us and they have done for sometime.

    A dog only serves one master, and you can bet your last punt that Klaus enjoys saying jump, and Leo grovels “how high master?”

    The Davos crowd is a cancer that needs eradicating.

    People need to stop voting these empty suits into positions of influence.


    1. Duncan Wheeler

      Aaah the kindly ones from Davos. In mythology the Fates were ironically called ‘The Kindly Ones’ because they were heartless in their machinations on humanity. We should be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky……

  2. freewheeling

    What is it with Germans, always thinking they know what’s best for everyone? Get out of our faces.

  3. Trustin Judeau

    Its a bit spooky alright having all these world leaders tapped as “WEF young leaders” years in advance?

    A mentoring program for dirty dealing your way to the top? Or run by the worlds best gamblers?
    Who knows

    1. Chris

      ‘A mentoring program for dirty dealing your way to the top? ‘ No, it’s more like whatever finance says it wants, it gets. It’s a nod from the ‘dons’ – no one else in cabinet is going to stand in their way. Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs)The UK’s policy setter, has been releasing articles on Liz Truss, so you know who’s next in line there.

      We have some quaint ideas about ‘democracy’ as something organic, it really isn’t.

    2. K.Cavan

      Look at Jacinda Ardern. Came from Klaus’s stable (snigger), trained up by Blair’s backroom staff (snigger), imposed by the Labour party hierarchy as a “list MP”, meaning she was not voted in, for almost a decade, before finally actually getting elected. Then the deputy leader resigned & she got the job, then the leader resigned & she got the job. Five months after getting elected for the first time she was the leader of the Labour Party.
      The really noticeable thing about all of Klaus’s picks is the near-hysterical support they garner from local & international media who simply cannot get their tongues far enough up these peoples asses & the corollary, of course, is that their opponents get a hammering.
      I mean, nothing even slightly suspicious about that rise to power, is there?
      Don’t even get me started on Macron, he’s been planted & financed by the Rothschilds, they’ve barely made any effort to disguise it, it’ll take all of five minutes of leisurely online enquiry to make that abundantly clear.

      1. The Millie Obnoxious™

        Bodger! Please can you tell me why my comments disappear if I post a link in them?

          1. The Millie Obnoxious™

            I realise belatedly that my SHOUTY comment is incredibly ill timed after the AI uprising yesterday. Obviously, take your time. Apologies!

          2. SOQ

            Have you had a stern word with the security system Bodger- that is the most likely candidate. They are now being used as a censorship tool apparently- even the site owners don’t know.

  4. goldenbrown


  5. SailorGerry

    As a man with over a 100 apple trees, I can say, with high degree of certainty, that apples do not fall far from trees.

    Someone with more free time than I have, has done some pretty good research into the Schwab family and their National socialist past.

    My father shared his pro union and socialist views with me as a child; I am pretty sure Klaus would have had a similar level of parental indoctrination and could give a pretty good salute for the Fuhrer as a young boy.



    I do not want any individual to be planning the future of the globe like a Bond villain, and certainly not this prick, nor any of his minions.

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