22 thoughts on “Springtime For Hitlers

    1. Donald duck

      You can thank a Jew for that wonderful scene in the producers
      Great song also the other the hitler rap from to be or not to be

  1. goldenbrown

    Question: why is everyone going the Adolf direction?

    Is it not more Stalin?

    if there was a Top Trumps for nasty c++ts Stalin is arguably worse, no?

    1. SOQ

      Of course but far right / fascists / Nazi name calling comes from the left and the media- pointing out that communism has killed more people than fascism is an uncomfortable truth they wish to ignore.

      Besides, pro nouns and safe spaces are part of the now hollowed out middle class left, which wouldn’t survive a wet weekend in the likes of China or Cuba.

      Anyone for Pride?

      1. paul

        do you think you’d survive in China either? If you’ve no intention of going there, why should you have to be able to survive there.

        I’ll agree with you on the ‘Nazi’ thing, people jump to extreme labels to make a point without considering how far along the point has to be made. If we all sling around ‘fascism’ and ‘Nazi’, then real fascism and Nazism becomes opaque.

        I was thinking this the other day, has communism really existed properly? We say China is but realistically they seem to have something resembling communism but just largely used to subdue and abuse a populace to make the people at the top autocratic-ish. I’ll admit, I’ve been listening to a lot of ‘Behind the B * stards’ and comparing any definitions of communism to what some countries have done in the past, they don’t match up. Just a different flavour of monster with the word communism slapped on top to scare people even more.

        1. K.Cavan

          My, my, paul, you are an almost perfect cliche.
          “Nazism was bad & it was real Nazism, Communism was far, far worse but it wasn’t “Real” Communism, so Real Communism might be ok”
          You utter cretin.

          1. paul

            thanks for the contribution, K.Cavan. Valuable insight as always. Be sure to clean up after yourself before you go.

      2. ANO

        Aspiring to an inclusive society is a good thing and doesn’t preclude focusing on all other aspects of our civilisation at the same time.

        The cartoon above seems to be less about the rush to label those we might disagree with as Nazis and actually just straight up saying every side in WW3 would be as bad as each other and just as bad as the Nazis. If it’s meant to convey the former rather than the latter then it could’ve used another element to do so.

      3. Nigel

        ‘Besides, pro nouns and safe spaces are part of the now hollowed out middle class left’

        Say what you will about Putin, he gets value for his roubles.

    2. K.Cavan

      Because the braindead bug-people who still consume &, get this, still actually believe the comic books & cartoons our newspapers & TV News have become probably don’t know who Stalin is. No, I’m not joking, they may have a vague idea but they’re probably not quite sure between Lenin/Stalin, most of them would misidentify pics of them.
      Hitler, they know what he looks like, he has orange skin & used to be the US president, right?

  2. K.Cavan

    What’s an “inclusive society”, ANO. Any sort of vague definition will do. You see, the term is an oxymoron. “Society” implies unity, shared values, beliefs, ambitions, all of which involves exclusivity, by definition. You can’t be, for example, part of two societies, simultaneously, without distorting the word itself into meaninglessness, which of course, is exactly what the phrase “inclusive society” is, meaningless.
    You’ve probably been parroting the phrase since the media force-fed it to you in a deliberate attempt at brainwashing, which was aimed specifically at people with very little in the way of brains.
    Try thinking about that, ANO.

    1. andrew

      “Society” implies unity, shared values, beliefs, ambitions, all of which involves exclusivity, by definition

      No, it doesn’t, you fupping idiot.

      To begin with, your definition is an “implication”, which isn’t even what a definition is. You’re so mislead and confused, it’s hard not to feel sorry for you. Utter moron.

    2. ANO

      I don’t know if you realise it or not but your tone can come off as quite aggressive, K.

      Society is something that can and should evolve. While a society’s foundation are shared beliefs and values it also has to allow for those things to change over time as well as accomodating conflicting….yes.. beliefs and values.

      Western society allows for people with a number of fundamentally different core beliefs to co-exist under its umbrella.

      When I talk about an inclusive society I mean one that includes(!) support and recognition for those mentioned by SOQ, people for whom gender and pronouns are important.

      These are not issues for me but I can recognise that they are to others and would like to think that the society of which I’m apart could address those people’s positions with care and sensitivity

      This does not need to come at the expense of other facets of our society, we can help people feel comfortable in their skin and, being a little glib, punch fascists in the face at the same time.

  3. K.Cavan

    Here’s a thought for the morons who are trying to portray Putin as some sort of Hitler. If Putin really is anything like Hitler, there is absolutely no excuse for not conscripting everyone between 16 & 60, train them up, really quickly, lock’n’load & onto the plane to Ukraine.
    This time, it won’t be just men, though. Yes Feministas, it’s time for you all to enjoy the Male Privilege of being blown up & shot to shreds on a battlefield.
    Go, sisters.
    Go “Putin is Hitler” spoofers.
    Go, antifa & actually fight actual fascists.
    Nobody who actually believes the crap they’re spouting will want to wait for the draft, they’ll rush out & volunteer now!
    Your globe needs YOU!
    I will, of course, honour your deaths, as they lower the boxes containing some scraps of your dismembered bodies into the ground.
    Then we’ll sell your houses & belongings to immigrants, just to honour you even more.
    You’ll have saved our society for people from another society, congratulations!
    Here’s a medal.
    I can’t stop laughing at this nonsense, it’s just too funny.

    1. paddy apathy

      Here’s a thought:
      The ideation of patients with a frank contempt for humanity revealed in such expressions as ‘nobody can be trusted’, ‘everybody is dishonest’, ‘a person who is honest is a fool or a faker’, ‘all doctors are fakers’, etc., are usually associated with a certain type of personality. They are hypersensitive, fault-finding, inclined to be extremely sceptical, quite inaccessible and some have definite megalomanic fantasies. The misanthrope ‘carries within him a reservoir of instinctual hostile aggressions which he freely projects onto the world outside by an ingenious faculty of playing upon the very human frailties which reside in himself in greatest quantities. He wears a mask, which can hardly be detected as such, to hide his own underlying defects.’

    2. George

      There are 5,000 reasons not to do that, they are Russia’s nuclear warheads.

      What kind of person finds war funny?

    3. Nigel

      ‘This time, it won’t be just men, though. Yes Feministas, it’s time for you all to enjoy the Male Privilege of being blown up & shot to shreds on a battlefield.’

      Dying in war is something only men do, apparently.

  4. SailorGerry

    Black Adder goes Fourth had a pretty good attempt at finding humour amidst the grimmest carnage of that industrial scale meat grinder of men.

    One thing that has not changed though, is the guys ordering soldiers to fight, on both sides, are very rarely ever shot at personally or ever placed in mortal danger.

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