Fighting For Democracy



Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky

This afternoon

Further to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s weekend move to ban 11 left wing opposition parties…

…Via The Spectator:

The news that Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky has banned eleven opposition parties – including the pro-Russian ‘Opposition – Platform For Life’ which holds 44 seats in the 450-member Ukrainian parliament and has spoken out against the Russian invasion – may be the embattled leader’s first major mistake in the month since Putin launched his brutal invasion.

…For Ukraine’s strongest card – the unique selling point that has drawn such sympathy and support from almost the entire democratic world – has been the fact that, in stark contrast to Putin’s repressive Russian state, it is – or was – a free country.

That means that it holds real elections, has a diverse media, and allows politicians critical of the government to get their views heard. All things that we take for granted but which have already disappeared or are fast vanishing in Putin’s prison state.

That difference drew a dramatic line between the society that the majority of Ukrainians wished to live in, and the big bad neighbour from hell next door. Tragically, Zelensky’s two moves fatally blur that line.

…The danger for Ukraine following these martial law moves is that, however well grounded the decisions are for reasons of its own security, they risk making the country resemble the Russian invader who cracks down on opposition and stifles critical voices. And the western nations that have so far been so solid in their support may start to ask themselves whether Ukraine is now treading a dangerous path.

…So is the suppression of opposition by Zelensky a sign of strength – a confident government acting ruthlessly to crackdown on the enemy within? Or is it a confession of weakness, an admission that beneath the veneer of unity and resistance there are many Ukrainians prepared to compromise or even collude and collaborate with the invader who is devastating their country? Either way, it is not a good look for a man who has been seen as the heroic symbol of freedom against tyranny.

Is Zelensky’s party crackdown his first mistake? (The Spectator)


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70 thoughts on “Fighting For Democracy

  1. Dinkum

    So it’s becoming more apparent
    This is no democracy banning 100 leftie parties
    Strange how the far right is not being banned

      1. Termagant

        And? A crucial pillar of democracy is that you can’t just get rid of people you don’t like, regardless of who they are and who they’re friends with. That’s what it’s all about.

        1. K.Cavan

          Ah, Termagant, this bunch of neo-fascist commenters don’t deserve Democracy & Democracy sure doesn’t deserve them.

        2. Dinkum

          Exactly democracy is the will of the people can you imagine if the FF/FG coalition decided to ban Sinn Fein from politics
          Remember Sinn Féin’s past is bloody and their military wing did not recognise the republics government

    1. Dinkum

      Sorry 11 parties
      Apparently there are 52 different parties in the Ukrainian parliament
      But it’s pretty ominous as to what’s actually proposing to be admitted into the EU

      1. Mr. T

        They will never be admitted into the EU – they are decades away from having enough reform done to get in.

        1. Dinkum

          Bit like the old NATO situation
          But the rhetoric from our political leaders will not say that
          Meanwhile just heard and I do not know if it’s true all credit card systems for all cards is down nation wide
          Is this hacking ?
          Or reasons to March off to war
          Find it pretty irresponsible how banks can be hacked all at the same time if this is true

    2. SOQ

      Anyone who says Ukraine is a democracy do so on paper only, for the sake of appearances. It is one of the most corrupt holes on earth. How did Zelenskyy- a comic and an actor- make so much money in such a short period of time?

      Even the whole army gear stunt is as fake as it gets- he has no clue what he doing, and he is certainly not putting the welfare of his people first- or he would declare Ukraine independent of both blocks.

      It is quite obviously not him making the decisions.

        1. jungleman

          “Russia moved to take those labs out as soon as the pandemic was over- join the bloody dots.”

          1. Daisy Chainsaw

            The pandemic that was a plandemic/scamdemic? That pandemic?

            Stupid Qunts can’t even keep their conspiracies straight anymore.

        2. SOQ

          Tulsi Gabbard says according to The US government, between 25 and 30. She would have been called out on that figure, if it was not true.

          As for how many the Russians have decommissioned, they would not be giving out such information at this point, but one thing is certain- if they were safe to bomb, the Russians would have done so by now.

          1. SOQ

            Nobody said that- but it is teaming with your Nazi friends- which is why it is the sharp point of conflict.

            Maybe you could put a few up in your spare room eh? I am sure you would all get along great.

      1. bell

        Leo Vradkar, who owns a 2 bed apartment, is a millionaire.

        “he has no clue what he doing, and he is certainly not putting the welfare of his people first” could apply to most of our Politicians.

        By your logic that makes Ireland “one of the most corrupt holes on earth”

        1. SOQ

          I have no idea what Vardkar is worth, but it not worth US$ 100 million in the space of three years.

          1. Dinkum

            On €300000 a year then Hos salary as a TD plus expenses he could be worth a few million but the real cost to our people could well exceed a few hundred millions
            In one project alone his elliptical maternity hospital is costing €3 billion and counting
            Maybe if he was more corrupt like Putin we might be in a better place

        2. K.Cavan

          Couldn’t disagree with you there, bell, I think our long list of Tribunals & Inquiries, usually concluding that no-one was to blame for anything, are a witness to the corruption. Varadker has stated that he sees no role for himself in terms of working for the welfare of those who elect him. ”I’m an internationalist”, he said.
          Nevertheless, let’s quote the least popular daily newspaper in Britain, on the subject of Ukraine: ”Welcome to Ukraine, Europe’s most corrupt country”. The Guardian.

      2. Broadbag

        If only he was an ex-KGB agent with a history of warmongering, we could really trust him then.

          1. SOQ

            How did Alex Jones know there was going to be a war near 5 months before it happened? There was clearly stuff going on in the background, and for quite some time.

          2. SOQ

            He is on record saying it. He also explains how he has connections within the US military.

            Dear God Nigel would you just go away and do even the most basic of research before posting?

          3. SOQ

            I am so sorry Nigel- I apologise for asking you to look at when the man made his prediction- how insensitive of me.

            Did you order your Azov mug from Amazon yet? It would look great beside your BLM one, and really would impress your friends.

          4. Nigel

            Sure, if you believe Alex Jones you’ll believe anything, though saying so seems redundant at this point.

          5. SOQ

            My mother was an avid supporter of Irish women like Bernadette Devlin and Nell McCafferty- a bit like yourself I expect.

            Except my mother had the intellectual flexibility to shift when the foundations moved.

            You- ‘Daisy Chainsaw’- clearly do not.

        1. K.Cavan

          It’s only in your crazed fantasies that Putin was a ”KGB Agent”, Broadbag, he’s a lawyer.

          1. Fearganainm

            It’s only in your deranged, fact-free head that he wasn’t a KGB officer.

            Everyone else, including Putin, knows that he worked as a KGB foreign intelligence officer for 16 years, rising to the rank of lieutenant colonel. Unfortunately for you he has spoken publicly about his time as an intelligence officer which leaves you looking, as always, unintelligent.

      3. Dinkum

        Apparently before he was elected he was a big fan of Charlie
        Not Haughey or even the viet Cong

  2. Hughie Luas

    “The pro-Russian ‘Opposition – Platform For Life’ which holds 44 seats in the 450-member Ukrainian parliament and has spoken out against the Russian invasion.”

    Many many Spectator readers are in Platform for Life, of course, what with them also being anti-EU. Suspended during a national emergency only, nothing any democracy is not entitled to do. Ukraine has enough Ruski touts, saboteurs, and agents up to no good smoothing the way for the disastrous Russian army bumbling around.

    1. K.Cavan

      Rather retarded view of democracy, Hughie, at least Zelensky hasn’t been dumb enough to offer excuses based on fantasies of ”touts, saboteurs & agents”.
      What are you like?
      Well, a neo-fascist, actually.

    1. K.Cavan

      A hahahaha, Ferg, you’re the gift that just keeps giving. a failed UKIP candidate, is it? Lock ’em up! You’re just another little neo-fascist.

      1. Fearganainm

        I’m more a ‘racist dirtbags shouldn’t be given a hearing’ kind of operator.

        For everyone’s good, like.

        1. K.Cavan

          Right, so you attach a label to someone, then detach their rights?
          Sure sounds like a neo-fascism to me but sure you can attach some other label to it & it won’t be fascism anymore, right? ”For everyone’s good”, you even have the fascist rhetoric down pat. You need to come out of the closet, Ferg, just pull on those jackboots & off you march.

          1. Fearganainm

            Are you suggesting that racist dirtbags should be given a platform?

            How unsurprising.

            It’s your own being closeted that’s wrecked your head.

            Racists are a cancer in a society. They should be cut out. It’s not their ‘rights’ that need detaching.

          2. Micko

            “ They should be cut out. It’s not their ‘rights’ that need detaching.”

            How exactly would you go about doing that?

          3. Me So Harney

            I’m sure you remember his “Brits” diatribe not so long ago..

            Earth to contrarion.. You’re a racist too..


  3. Dinkum

    Strange one
    Up to 1867 Alaska was part of Russia
    It was sold to the USA by Russia for $7.2 million
    Maybe Putin might start laying claim to Alaska

    1. Horsethieving Dopesniffer

      No, but certain Japanese gentlemen recently said something about some unresolved issues around some islands and continued stocking-up their arms.
      I will not be surprised if Russia changes its president during first half of April this year.
      In a transparent and completely democratic way, of course. Really democratic. As they always did.

      1. K.Cavan

        You’re way off the mark there, Horse, the Russian people actually appreciate less nukes being aimed at them, the bunch of weirdos. They perceive The West’s reaction, particularly the sanctions, as evidence of hatred towards them, Putin has actually gained more popularity from this, as is often the case with wartime leaders.
        Meanwhile, The West becomes more & more isolated, it’s attempts to re-ignite the Cold War have not gone down well with the rest of the planet, who are not impressed with our politics, our sabre-rattling & our obsession with Gender Dysphoria, not to mention their memories of how the US & before them, the British Empire, treated them.
        It’s either a wake-up call to The West or deliberate sabotage to cause collapse & bring in the beloved Great Reset. The Petrodollar is history, the US is in big trouble, it’s internal differences will inevitably lead to Balkanisation & it’s days as the sole Superpower are over. As the sun sets on the GAE, with it will go the Liberal Hegemony that’s plagued our societies with Woke insanity, so, it’s not all Bad News. Except for the EU, which, unlike America has no pipelines left operating & no oil-wells to reopen. We will be left, a backwater, a sad old ruin, badly-run by bureaucrats that nobody elected.

  4. Dr.Fart

    its obviously beyond awful what Russia are at. But this lad is a bit spoofery. I know he’s doing it to try get more help than theyre getting, as they face a country tryna wipe them out. But it’s real low-level spoofery.

    1. K.Cavan

      He’s an actor, Mr Fart, not a very good one but he’s just earning a buck from his Oligarch paymaster, Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi . He’s not a politician, has never held any political office, other than President, wasn’t even in a political party. He has played a piano with his penis, in a movie of course, now he’s playing some gullible pricks.

    1. K.Cavan

      It’s a joke, Frilly, not a particularly funny one but nevertheless, a joke President, paid to play the role, in Europe’s poorest, most corrupt country. For hilarity, we must turn to the reactions above, what a bunch of little neo-fascists. They all probably wear frillies under their SS Uniforms, in the privacy of their own bedsits, of course.

  5. NM

    Has everybody accepted Zelensky as their lord anbd savior yet? Never too late to accept him into your heart.

    1. SOQ

      Yes- he’s got that GAA county star Coppers look about him- I am too busy to clip, shave or shower etc.

      Who is his stylist?

        1. Micko

          Fembot 9000 confused

          Question – How can man use his masculine toxic ways to defend civilians and save lives, while also exhibiting toxic masculinity, while also continuing to be “problematic” AND be dreamboat at same time…(swoon) does not compute – does not compute!!!!


          Fembot 9000 confused…

          Does not compute
          Does not compute
          Does not compute
          Does not compute


          1. benblack

            Fembot 9000 needs more coke.

            Taking cocaine is the pinnacle of modern western democratic success.

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