Trinity Needs Me


This morning.

Health Committee, Dail Eireann.

Via RTÉ News:

Outgoing Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan has said it is not his intention to return to the role “at any point in the future“.

In his opening statement to the Oireachtas Committee on Health, Dr Holohan said his secondment to Trinity College Dublin means he has relinquished his role as CMO.

He announced last month that he is taking on a new role as Professor of Public Health Strategy and Leadership at TCD.

A TCD spokesperson has said the role is “funded by the Department of Health … under the same terms and conditions of his existing contract”.

The TCD role was not put out to open competition and the university said it “was created with Dr Holohan in mind”.

Holohan says he does not intend to return to CMO role (RTE)


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14 thoughts on “Trinity Needs Me

  1. Ian - oG

    Who dafuq painted that cringingly awful painting of him above?

    He got paid to do a job, likening him to a superhero is at best, laughable.


    What about all those supermarket cashiers, couriers or chemists.

  2. Dr.Fart

    the government just don’t know how to do anything else. you’d think after Zappone they’d be more careful. But it’s like trying to teach a dog to meow. They just can’t change their nature.

  3. jonjoe

    What are his qualifications for a professorship?
    What will his workload be?
    Will he be lecturing undergraduates?

    Or is this a sinecure?

  4. SOQ

    I wonder is there a reason for him getting off the pitch so quickly? Something to do with an afforded protection from not being in the CMO role perhaps? That the government were so quick so say ‘nothing to do with us’ is peculiar too.

  5. Liam Deliverance

    If he is not going back to his old position then does it still qualify as a secondment?

    And is the real reason for all this smoke and mirrors so that they can justify paying him an extra 20k a year?

    Is he qualified to take a position as a professor, will he have the same workload and lectures as his co-profs?

  6. V aka Frilly Keane

    There are two reasons for this side shuffle with full pay

    1.Robert Watt want’s his own pick as Chief Medical Officer. Someone who owes him. That’s how these lads make their way up to the top. So anything that needed sorting or signing off promises to get this done, is entirely on his desk.

    2. Dr Tony can’t be forced to retire on his age/ year marker, and just be happy with his Department super ann, which – at full term at his grade is probably a handy 70k+ per annum. Benchmarked. Plus whatever nixers / paid NEDs/ Chairing this that and whatever jobs for the boys he’ll get handed. I expect the National Children’s Hospital will be a nice earner for him in a few capacities.

    By travelling over to Trinners with a Professorship robe, and stripes. Tony can’t be forced to retire until he’s well into his 70s. And probably only has to work a few days a month.
    Plus city office and car space, and fancy dining rooms.
    Happy days.

      1. V aka Frilly Keane

        Probably needs a bit more Illuminati 5G Deep State rigging, thickly spread for the flakes around here
        But this is exactly how the upper tier of public sector/ senior civil service Sir Humphrey’s lot go about the business of moving from Clerical Grades to Professional Grades to SHOs to EXOs to TCD UCD and all the NEDS they can put their arses into.

  7. seanydelight

    And he wont even have to give any opinion on the handling by government of the covid pandemic. Handy that.

  8. Mick

    What’s going on with trinity? First they close the Science gallery because they can’t afford it and now they can’t pay staff!

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