Tag Archives: Cheap Labour

amran Hossain female garment workers face violent repurcussions

A garment worker in Badda, Bangladesh last Friday

Kate, of Clean Clothes Campaign Ireland,  writes:

“I am working in a fairly focused area of labour rights which looks into the garment industry specifically. While I research and write reports on the terrible repercussions of this sector for those involved in making our clothes this morning I was confronted with this image (above) from the streets of Badda in Bangladesh – we all know things are bad for workers over there but there is something still – (even for me who’s seen some terrible stuff) – really shocking about seeing a women being beaten by 4 men with sticks in broad daylight with bystanders watching – all as a result for demanding her wages due.
Yes, I am a campaigner but in this case there is no campaign, there so little I can do to help these women and their colleagues. My only tool is to make as many people as possible aware of the reality for people making our clothes – I hope you might be willing to let your readers see the true cost of cheap fashion and perhaps something like this will make everyone think a little bit longer before buying into the bargain.”

Clean Clothes Campaign Ireland

Pay by Sunday or face legal action (Daily Star India)

Pic Amran Hossein

03_img_02891A still unidentified man and woman at the garment factory collapse in Dhaka Bangladesh, on April 24.

Every time I look back to this photo, I feel uncomfortable — it haunts me. It’s as if they are saying to me, we are not a number — not only cheap labor and cheap lives. We are human beings like you. Our life is precious like yours, and our dreams are precious too.

They are witnesses in this cruel history of workers being killed. The death toll is now more than 750. What a harsh situation we are in, where human beings are treated only as numbers.

  Photographer Taslima Akhter


The Most Haunting Photograph from Bangladesh (Time)

Previously: Saving Penneys