83 thoughts on “Law & Order SUV

      1. Mister Mister

        Scumabags stand in front of you car, nothing to do with the Water Protests. Fair game. Might make them think twice about it.

  1. Mikeyfex

    Any more on this? Why was the SUV being targeted? I missed most of the news on this but heard about general disruption on the bridge. Were they just hassling people getting home?

    1. Medium Sized C

      I dunno.
      This is pretty early for rush hour.
      Looks like they just tried to drive around the traffic which was stopped, which is a dick move.

      They were just applying a blanket disruption.
      I’m not sure what the inspiration was, but the effect was essentially to disrupt people who weren’t disrupting.
      Aston Key was a buspark at 5 pm.
      Loads of people just hanging around blocking up the keys.

      1. Mikeyfex

        Ya, I hadn’t noticed originally that he was on the footpath. Must say, I’d have words too if I saw that happening. Dicks on the bridge, dicks in their cars.

    1. ollie

      I didn’t see any attack. I saw an suv driven along a footpath at several pedestrians. they should have lynched the driver for his extremely dangerous manoeuvre.

        1. ollie

          a reasonable comment on a website that provides light entertainment populated by trolls with an average mental age of 7? you’re hilarious! !

  2. ollie

    consider this….. man throws brick at garda car during protest. man is both photographed and filmed. rumour circulates that said man was a garda. said man was filmed standing with several garda. no arrest made.

    1. ReproBertie

      “Rumours circulate that said man was a garda” do not make said man a garda except in the minds of those who seek to have their own prejudices confirmed.

    1. The People's Hero

      I don’t know…. Why DID the protestors get onto the cars bonnet?

      *Don’t leave the punchline hanging*

  3. mike

    I met protestors on the bridge ranting about being limited by the horrible guards. Meanwhile, the guards were stopping traffic on Bachelors Walk protecting them from people with the instincts of that SUV driver. Could have been more of it if it wasn’t for the guards.

  4. pissedasanewt

    Driver might have been thought they were being car jacked. The main thing is, no decent people were hurt during this..

    I don’t get why these people were on O’Connell bridge? if you want to protest, block politicians from getting home, but not ordinary people

    1. Medium Sized C

      The only way to be sure is to block everybody I guess.

      And basically ignore the fact that the vast majority of the people you disrupt are just ordinary folk who were at work.

      …..But not “ordinary working folk”.

      1. andyourpointiswhatexactly

        They certainly pissed ME off. GOBSH*TES. I’d to wait 40 mins for a bus and ended up having to get a different one as I had no idea when mine would come.
        Granted, I popped into the Westbury for a little Christmas drink or two to make the wait easier before I went to the bus-stop, but nonetheless I was terribly discombobulated.

        1. Jess

          Sometimes the price of a properly functioning democracy is to be slightly delayed once in a blue moon. Compared with any other time and place, its not exactly a major sacrifice

    2. Mick Flavin

      But, I was told that the protesters were the ordinary people…Are there ordinary people on both sides now?

  5. Pete Crenshaw

    Yea yea we get the idea now, you want to protest…well dont disrupt the people going about their business please. Keep your protest to the area around the Dail.
    Id guess more than half of these protesters are just out for the sake of getting out of the house. They dont care about the water charges as most of them are on the social welfare and pay feck all and take a whole lot…..

      1. rotide

        Well that’s spoken like someone who’s never had to actually let someone go.

        It takes more than getting up on the wrong side of the bed to lay people off.

        1. Zynks

          True. First time I have to let someone go I couldn’t sleep for four days while I kept postponing it and hoping to find a way not to do it. Horrible stuff.

    1. Jess

      Well not only is the suggestion that these people are unemployed wrong an insulting to anyone with half a brain. so what if they were? We decided a century ago that your say in society is not linked to how much money or property you have. But I suspect a lot of the pro quango posters on this site would love to see a return to they days where the poor are kept in workhouses for the betterment of the property owning classes.

      And just a tiny economics lesson, VAT is a thing, everyone pays tax.

      1. Pete Crenshaw

        Its a suggestion i didnt say it was fact. If they had jobs to do they would be doing them – unless they took the day off, which is possible. But for the rest of them – most – I would assume they have no job.
        Of course they can have their say and protest all week but keep it to the area around the Dail. I dont see how they would get anyones support if they are out on the roads disrupting traffic.

        1. Jess

          Of course its not a fact, its incorrect and insulting and a stupid suggestion that has no relevance whatsoever.

  6. martco

    that’s a Jeep Grand Cherokee, looks like a WK revision could be 2010 run out model, hard to tell from that footage but maybe a 10-D reg

    not too many about

    if I was the driver I’d be calling by the local station to explain their side

  7. Brian Williams

    I wonder if the dept of social affairs will get this video

    maybe they should dock the job seekers allowance for any “jobSeekers” who were there unless thay had a sign saying “looking for work”

    1. smoothlikemurphys

      You regularly see vehicles mounting the footpath and continuing to drive while people are physically in the way?

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