Star Of The Show



Nisan Greenwich writes:

This is the monster projector that will be screening “Interstellar” in glorious 70mm at the Ifi from February 13th!!!  Sound will provided by Datasat digital. Yes, the volume will set to 11!

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20 thoughts on “Star Of The Show

    1. rotide

      Ditto, managed to miss it , this is a good chance to see it on the big screen and also judge nolans blabber about 70mm

  1. Soft like

    Still looking for the two hours and fourty nine minutes back so I built this spaceship that can travels through black holes or worm holes that turns out to be a bookshelf because that’s how I roll. So next time a book falls off a shelf any where near you think of me and my journey that happened twenty years ago. (Comparisons between this film and 2001 a space Odyssey is an insult to Stanley Kubrick who I am sure is spinning as he goes continually through the void to become a universal baby)

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