The Stragill Up North



Incongruous music, beautiful landscape and acres of SNOW.

Stragill, Old Mountain, Owenerk, Tonduff, all in Inishowen, Co Donegal timelapsed.

David Porter writes:

..I’m a photographer and I’ve been interested in making timelapses for quite some time but I like having the camera free for taking photos, when I recently bought a Go Pro that solved that problem , shoot the timelapse on the Go Pro and take photos with my Nikon .

As I hadn’t been out and about Inishowen taking photos as I usually do and with the arrival of the recent snow I decided it a very apt time to remedy this, so on went the all weather clothing , filled the flask with coffee and off I went out to “The Parish”

Needs more Scooter.

Moonlight Photography

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10 thoughts on “The Stragill Up North

  1. Sheila

    Some great footage. Love time lapses. Even if the ones I make are rubbish, it’s good fun.

    The photos are pretty great too. Great colour involved for do much white.

    1. John E. Bravo

      I’m ignorant of photography, so excuse me asking, but what makes this a timelapse and not a regular film played in fast forward?

      1. 3stella

        Essentially that what it is, Time lapse takes predetermined shots at regular set intervals, so when it’s all put together the shots appear to be moving, the shorter the shot interval, the smoother the effect. The iphone has a easy fail safe time lapse function in the camera which gives as good results as any.

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