Jackboots And Jill


00159222Jack & Jill Foundation founder Jonathan Irwin


Fair enough.

John Gallen writes:

Founder of Jack & Jill Children’s Foundation and Renue Ireland member, Jonathan Irwin’s tweets are catching up with him [see link below]…

Iriwin Nazi tweet (Rabble.ie)

Jonathan irwin on twitter

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82 thoughts on “Jackboots And Jill

  1. rotide

    Whatever about the 1st one, whats the problem with the second one? Commies is short for Communist which he belives SF to be.

    1. Ultan

      The shinners are in no way communist. They kicked all them out ages ago and the formed the workers party. Yer man’s spouting shite.

  2. eamonn clancy

    Though it’s faded a little, it’s quite clear that his shirt is blue and that tells us what foot he kicks with.

  3. Wayne Carr

    Damn Nazi Communists in Sinn Féin. I’ll stick to tried and TRUSTED* Fianna Fáil, thank you very much.

    *No FFer would ever help the IRA, hide paedophile priests, or destroy the sovereignty that was won in the Sinn Féin** rebellion.


        1. Wayne Carr


          I’m just too clever to fall for Sinn Féin’s guff!

          1. Wayne Carr

            Anyone who gets private health care is a shit. That’s why I’m voting for every other party (and Independent) in the next election. No Fine Gaeler would ever use a private health professional’s services.

          2. Stumpy

            Anyone who gets private healthcare is a shit? One of the more bone-headed comments I’ve seen on Broadsheet in a while………and you’ve got some pretty moronic competition.

          3. Joe the Lion

            it was a joke. is your brain melting with the sneachta? :) or having a few too many poppy seeds for breakfast wha?

    1. Atlas

      “They’re not as bad as FF” – now that’s damning with faint praise if I’ve ever seen it!

  4. Dubloony

    Well, aren’t they commies? or just nationalist socialists?
    I’ve a problem with them wanting to run a state that they have absolutely no regard for and don’t recognise.

    1. Clampers Outside!

      Hear, hear !

      I have a problem with SF wanting to run a country full of people they see fit to set loose sexual predators on.

      And then lie to the public about it…. until caught red handed.

      Total self-serving scum, and only an idiot would see it otherwise.

      1. Zarathustra

        Exactly. I think Mr Irwin is missing the point, it won’t just be him, we’ll all be screwed under SF.

        1. Joe the Lion

          Can’t wait. We’re not screwed half enough as it is. Commie screwing is my favourite

          1. Joe the Lion

            Actually the answer is three. One to hold the bulb and two comrades to turn the ladder round

  5. Mr. T.

    Oh you can expect much worse over the year to come. All the spooks and billionaires who make money from an unequal form of government are running out of civilized options to attack leftist politics.

    You can expect very illegal acts behind the scenes and the odd ‘suicide’ or two along the way.

    Ireland is a very dirty little place when the people in power start to feel their influence is threatened.

    1. Paul

      What are you on about? You sound like one of these 9-11 conspiracy theorists. Sinn Féin will wreck the country,
      It’s as simple as that.

      1. ionabike

        Snob! Accurately predicting the future is not a gift we are all blessed with. Show a bit of class.

    2. Kieran NYC

      “You can expect very illegal acts behind the scenes and the odd ‘suicide’ or two along the way.

      Ireland is a very dirty little place when the people in power start to feel their influence is threatened.”


      The ironing is delicious.

  6. scottser

    so if you vote SF your house price will be worth nil. jeez louise..
    how do idiots like this get into positions of authority?

  7. Paul

    He’s right. Sinn Féin will destroy this country and set us back decades. Bunch of criminals and ex-con hooligans.

    1. Supercrazyprices

      Hilarious. And what exactly did Fianna Fail do? They did exactly that.

      You’re all so conditioned by the mainstream press and middle class petty snobbery. You’re all falling for the lies and spin of a very small elite who benefit from tax dodging and unfair advantage.

      Your country is in sh*t right now and has been since 2008. And Fianna Fail and Fine Gael did that.

      Wake the f*ck up you fools.

  8. Shane

    He’s a great guy and I agree with him but it’s not just Brits it’s everyone that would be screwed!

  9. Michael Collins

    I think Sinn Féin will be much more worser than the current bunch. Yeah, ok, fine, Fianna Fáil absolutely destroyed the country, and then agreed to pay the guy what done it 150,000 per year in a pension, and yeah Fine Gael have continued many of the FF policies while also “boosting” the job figures with woefully underpaid positions, and Labour have bent over and taken it up the arse so that Rabbitte and Gilmore can receive their Ahernesque pensions (as per), but still like, have you seen that Adams fella’s beard. Ewwwwwww.

    I think if we keep voting in the same parties over and over again, they will learn their lessons. Just like the bankers learned their lessons (sure now they barely get pensions at all).

    Please note, I began my initial sentence using poor grammar in an attempt to lure some of you ignoramuses into a false sense of security. I’ve also used poor sentence construction to allow you reply in an ad hominem manner. I don’t imagine you will offer anything substantial, but rather outrageous attempts to predict the future. Thank you

      1. Michael Collins

        Think of all the people who managed to ignore an obviously moronic comment. You lads couldn’t resist. You’re the real heroes, well done fellas!

  10. JimmytheHead

    What a bizarre dumbass, thank fupp for twitter or we’d have probably never noticed. How much is he on again? And the dole is how much per week? He should be sectioned, but I hear the waiting lists are over a year for psychiatric beds….

  11. ThePeoplesHero

    Commie?! No. Marxist/Leninist? That was Tomas Mac Giolla’s schtick and that was sort out years back

    They tend to define themselves as. Republican Socialist party.

    They are left wing – perhaps more to the far left than to the centre in many cases – in the traditional sense of that term. They are however a Lot more authoritarian and conservative in most aspects than they would be liberal.

    However this sort of descriptive ideology is a waste as they are really a group of criminals, blackguards, liars, murderers, jack-booted swindlers and above all seditious.

    A Sinn Fein government will send the state into free fall and a into a period of great instability the likes we’ve not seen since the civil war.

    Put simply. They cannot be entrusted with power.

    1. Supercrazyprices

      How was the Washington Ireland Programme internship?

      Are you fully Capitalist now and busy maintaining our deference to the US?

  12. ThePeoplesHero

    What’s with all the post deleting? Some SF loving funny bones being rubbed a little too hard?!

  13. Atlas

    Violent nationalism can come in both left wing and right wing forms, both equally terrifying. Man has a point.

      1. Ultach

        Do you mean McBain as in the editor of the etymological dictionary of Scottish Gaelic? (See Google)

  14. phil

    My biggest fear of Sin Fein being the dominant governemnt party after the next general election is…. They will turn out to be exactly the same as FG/FF & LAB in power….

    1. Dhaughton99

      Exactly. If you want change, start with the heads of departments in the civil service.

      1. Mysterymeat

        You mean literally, in a Place de la Concorde, knitting at the steps of kind of way? A bit harsh maybe.


        1. ahjayzis

          I’m not as opposed to that idea as I would have been a few years ago o_O

          Definitely Madame la Guillotine for the politicos, the crony’s and mandarins I think would be best placed exiled on the Blaskets.

    1. bisted

      ….where would we be without these pillars of society who can keep a watchful eye on the body politic or the demon drink and still take time to selflessly head up our worthy charities…

  15. Truth in the News

    How come he never opened his mouth about the treatment the Nationalst
    population in the North were subjected to from the 1920’s first by the Unionists
    and then by the British Army and Government….indeed he’d fit well into the
    Jackboots, he might fare a lot better under under Jerry than Lizzy.

  16. Seriously sam

    Last time I donate to jack and Jill (and I have before), never knew My money was funding that tosspot

    1. Kieran NYC

      Yeah. You stop donating to one of the worthiest children’s charities in the nation and *he’s* the tosspot.


      1. Seriously sam

        Might get them to put credible leadership in place. Lots of other worthy causes I will pick from. No need to clap, but whatever way you spin it a culinary arts grad paying himself from a charities coffers isn’t going to paint it as the most worthy use of my donation. If you disagree make a big donation yourself to counteract. No? Thought not.

    2. B Bop

      One of the biggest private contributors to this charity pulled the plug on this guy years ago.
      Still, fair fupps to his opinions on the madness of Sinn Fein popularity.

  17. Omar Sarhan

    Old communist joke:

    Comrade Oglivy attended the 1951 party assembly, Commissar for civilian supplies Comrade Karillen gave a wonderful speech and declared that by the end of the plan there would be strawberries and cream in abundance. Everyone clapped and applauded. “Who doesn’t like strawberries?” Quipped Karillen. Oglivy raised his hand and said “I don’t!”, Karillen laughed and replied “By the time the plan is completed, trust me, you WILL like strawberries!”

  18. A bloke pretending to be a girl, ok?

    If I’m repeating something that was said earlier, tough. I don’t xare.
    I don’t even spell ‘care’ proppellor.

    I’m just wondering…
    While our hero is out chasing Nazis and Commies, who’s looking after the children?

    Wait a minute, who is this nutC?

  19. Supercrazyprices

    I’ve never felt comfortable with the Jack and Jill charity. Far too connected and populated by south county Dublin types. Too slick for a charity.

    1. rotide

      you’re right, Charities that are connected to and cater to boggers and/or knackers are much better.

      God, there should be some sort of IQ test for the internet.

  20. Starina

    he should gay marry that fellow who’s worried people will think his wife’s a man after the referendum. they could live in a lovely tinfoil house

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