9 thoughts on “Was It For This?

  1. Bertie Blenkinsop

    Evan’s nickname at the BBC is tinsel-tits because of his pierced nipples.
    I can remember nonsense like this but can’t find my car keys in the morning.

  2. Kolmo

    While it might be a bit jarring for some of us to see this, my experience is that people in Britain think about Ireland as often as Irish people think about Bohemia or Moravia – not of any consequence to them, they just don’t know. simple. A kindly reminder usually straightens out any misunderstanding, generally with an polite apology too, no malice is intended and everyone goes on living their lives.

    Still though…c’mon

  3. H

    Having lived in the UK for 27 years now I would have to disagree with Kolmo, many Brits have Irish ancestry, one old boss of mine was convinced that everyone has an Irish grandparent, so most are more aware of us than suggested. The problem is that to them the two countries are so alike in their minds they think of us as almost being one and the same. My current boss often says that she sees me as one of them now, as if I should be pleased at being adopted as English, they just don’t seem to understand how important our national identity is to us and why we don’t see it as a compliment when they think of us as one big homogeneous mass.

      1. Smashmouth

        Its worth pointing out that the link is dated from 2001

        A time when Ireland was considered a fairly cool little place amongst young people

        That figure today would most likely be far far lower

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