18 thoughts on “Wonky Dublin

  1. Bruncvik

    That looks like a very specific location in the Italian Quarter, halfway between the Liffey and Jervis.

    1. Liam

      Yes. It’s the last zebra crossing (with orange light on a pole) in Dublin City. Is this zebra endangered also?

      1. Bruncvik

        Hmmm… I’ve seen a few zebras here and there. When I run around Ballsbridge/Sydney Parade, there’s one behind the large Tesco. There are a few along Royal Canal as well, on the other side from Ashtown.

        As a pedestrian and runner, I’m quite frustrated by the lack of zebra crossings in Dublin. On the continent, I always have the right of way on zebra crossings (within reason – I’m not suicidal enough to expect a lorry to brake within 30 feet), so with safety in mind, I’m not all that inconvenienced. Here, though, we don’t get zebra crossings, and without them it’s stop-and-go for me, while the cars zoom by.

        1. Junkface

          Running in cities like Dublin is actually bad for your health. You are breathing in heavy traffic fumes through intensive breathing because of the exercise and also doing your back in (the discs) gradually by pounding the concrete. Run in parks on grass surrounded by trees.

      1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

        Sigh. Just looked at the menu.

        Bone broth. Not stock, no? Not sexy enough?

        Bloody millennials.

  2. Tony

    Looks like someone had the double burger and fries for 8.50 then leaned against the lamppost while they puked.

    1. Andyourpointiswhatexactly?

      I wonder if there’s still as much splashy heroin puke around there as there used to be when I worked in an office on the quays 10 years ago. You had to keep your eye on the pavement otherwise you’d skid in puke. Every single morning. Yuck.

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