A League On Their Own


Minister for Sport Shane Ross at an Oireachtas Sports Committee this morning

This morning.

Via RTÉ:

The Minister also stated that if the FAI were to go under, his “guess” would be that the League of Ireland would go with it.

Minister Brendan Griffin said the FAI’s debts are €62 million — not €55 million — when funding and loans owed to UEFA are taken into account.

The future of the league will be part of the topics discussed in a planned meeting between the Government and UEFA in January.

Earlier, it was revealed an independent audit into the FAI has said that the organisation is not fit to handle public funds.

FAI were seeking €18m in bailout deal – Ross (RTÉ)

Yesterday: FAI, Deloitte And Adjustments


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8 thoughts on “A League On Their Own

  1. dav

    Any regrets from the john delaney defenders? obviously he was very convincing when he seemed to care about Irish soccer.

  2. garrett

    The most popular sport in the Country has debts of 62 million.

    If they got the same funding as greyhound racing, which is definitely NOT a sport, they would be debt free!

  3. Nullzero

    Most popular sport, in terms of participation, which is mostly five a side evening leagues. Miles behind in terms of investment and proper organisation. The FAI are what you’d expect of a football association in a developing country.

  4. Ron

    But yet, Delaney still rides off into the sunset with his golden handshake, with zero consequences after bending the taxpayer over, the same way the political filth bend the taxpayer over and there all so daw jawed they are just used to taking it. The subservient irish people – pathethic.

    FAI is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of waste, fraud, misappropriation of funds. Its most likely endemic in almost every state funded organisations. If it wasnt for one effective persistent journalist none of this would have surfaced and yet again the rest of the pathethic journalistic hacks that have dominated this countrys landscape allowed these people to get away scott free. Journalists failed again, and then they wonder why they are not taken seriously. Tle a leaf out of the journalist that broke the stories book – he might be able to teach the rest of them about how journalism should work. And they wonder why no one takes them seriously. Its pathethic to watch them recollect their hindsight moments, oh we were suspicious!! They did nothing.

    1. italia'90

      There’s only a few decent journalists in msm here,
      the rest are Urinalists pi**ing down our backs,
      hoping to convince enough of us that it is raining!

  5. V

    This is gas

    If ye’re wondering why I didn’t say anything before now, it ’cause I wanted to see if anyone else did first. Anyone else being lads licking themselves and spending their book advances.

    Just a reminder for ye, it was here on Broadsheet that Deloitte’s Audit Report YE 2017 was questioned – specifically their confirmation that proper records were kept and they got satisfactory answers to all their queries. (Think about that for a sec, and remind yerselves they did ecactly that for the 20 plus years they signed off an unqualified aka standard Audit opinion.)

    Of course we should step in and save the FAI; any talk of not doing exactly that is coming from grandstanders looking for more playing time under the floodlights, retweets and replays while they keep knicking the FAI, from every position.

    The organisation itself is capable of generating significant income. So why aren’t BoI or AIB not in there by now helping them figure it out and putting together a plan – financial institutions all over Europe are riding themselves raw trying to get money out the door; I specifically quote BoI and AIB as they themselves were beneficiaries of support from us and got back on their feet with our help, and in the same mouthful – they can hardly be in a position to refuse business.

    Ross, Sports Ireland and every other gob with something to say need to stop taking the p1ss out’ve the FAI now.

    The FAI are guardians of the Irish Jersey at what are arguably the biggest sporting tournaments in the World. They are responsible for the next generation of Irish Internationals. They are responsible for our own domestic leagues and they are responsible for promoting and developing one of the most played sports in the World.

    They are the figureheads and Governing Body of one of the most accessable forms of play and sport for hundreds and thousands of people in the State.

    There is so so much that they do right

    It’s time to stand up for them now and stand by Irish Soccer.

    As for Deloitte’s, well I’d hate to be the Director that ye looked into the eye of and said everything was fine and here’s my signature to say so. Because if it was me – I wouldn’t sleep until that deception was put right.

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