Meanwhile, In The Netherlands


A Magdalene laundry in Ireland in the 1950s


Daniel Boffey, in The Guardian, reports:

Nineteen women are suing a Dutch monastery and its Catholic order over claims they were subjected to forced labour and abuse by nuns between 1951 and 1979 during periods of virtual imprisonment as children or young adults.

The case against the Sisters of the Good Shepherd, which operates in 70 countries, concerns the treatment of women, aged 11 to 21 at the time, who had been placed in the nuns’ care by the courts or at the request of their parents or guardians.

The women, who are now in their 70s and 80s, say they were forced to work in laundries and sewing and ironing rooms under threat of punishment, against their will and without wages, for the order or for the benefit of outside organisations including the Dutch royal house.

…At least 15,000 girls and young women, accused of falling into “licentiousness”, were held in confinement and forced to work in the laundry and sewing rooms of the Catholic order of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in the Netherlands between 1860 and the early 1980s.

There you go now.

Women sue Dutch Catholic order over forced labour claims (The Guardian)

Previously: The Magdalene Report: A Conclusion

‘Based On The Findings Of The McAleese Report’

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Just Saying No

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7 thoughts on “Meanwhile, In The Netherlands

  1. Janet, I ate my avatar

    there’s me schooled, didn’t think there were many catholics up there

    1. Janet, I ate my avatar

      if you are looking for a poor hard done by Catholic church post here I’d say you’ll be waiting a while News…just my guess

      1. newsjustin

        Figured since they covered the story originally, Broadsheet would see it through and let readers know how it ended.

        Also, thought BS would be into a mass-media hyped, dodgy cops and prosecutor, miscarriage of justice story that seems to be convulsing Oz today. It would be right there in the Guardian, along side this, also valid and topical, story.

  2. V

    Everywhere they go
    Its the same story they leave behind

    The biggest and oldest organised crime group the World has ever and will ever know

    1. Some old queen

      Not all, just Islamists- and if you don’t know the difference then I suggest you educate yourself.

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