A Limerick A Day


Pubs intending to open can provide a time slot of 105 minutes for customers under new Covid guidelines

A pint with a friend just for fun
Is something that soon can be done
And your friend, I should say
Won’t be sat far away
As two metres have now become one

John Moynes


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20 thoughts on “A Limerick A Day

  1. Paulus

    Will “Time gentlemen please” now be heard (selectively) at random points throughout an evening?
    Could be confusing.

    1. Cian

      Yes. Pubs are allowed to open if they are operating as a restaurant – hence the bookings, food, and time limits.

    2. GiggidyGoo

      Yep. You can pull up to a pub, have a look in the window and phone in a booking from the comfort of your car – ‘Can I have a booking for 2 minutes time please?’

  2. wearnicehats

    They haven’t allowed for Fergie Time. Can’t plan to go and watch a football match in the pub now so.

      1. wearnicehats

        exactly. This will redefine the pub crawl. Only thing is that if you’re planning on a 4 hour sesh you’ll need to factor in an additional €27 for food on top of the pints. With that much food it will also redefine BYOB – bring your own bucket

        1. spud

          You’d don’t have to eat it though.
          Just ask for doggy bags… and carry your weeks dinners home :)

  3. Janet, dreams of spidercrab

    anyone else feel like they can’t be fecked dealing with people again ?

      1. Janet, dreams of spidercrab

        why I enjoy four hour runs on my own lol,
        I come across very social in social settings and work but actually find it exhausting and prefer my own company really, too many years in jobs dealing with the public probably

      2. Janet, dreams of spidercrab

        I hear ya, love pottering in garden, good book, pod cast, bit of wood carving, who needs a commute and other people’s madness

  4. f_lawless

    There’s a feeling of inevitability about this descent into absurdity. The Irish ruling class don’t do accountability. A policy reversal is unthinkable..Instead of holding their hands up and admitting the blanket shutdowms were an overreaction – that it’s time to open up and let citizens take responsibility for their individual behaviours, they’re now desperately trying to save face and keep the narrative going with these overly-cautious trade-off measures.It doesn’t matter that nowhere in Europe has seen a sustained rise in cases after easing lockdowns or holding mass gatherings in recent times. Arbitrary numbers are plucked out of the sky. How can any citizen have respect for an authority that will tell them to obey a 105 minute time limit for their own good when it’s plainly obvious that taking personal responsibility completely overrides that? If anything, setting a short time limit may encourage rapid binge-drinking in some.

  5. Cian

    “let citizens take responsibility for their individual behaviours”
    two problems with this.
    1. the people taking the risks aren’t (necessarily) the ones that will be affected by their behaviour – the old and weak are the ones that are most affected.
    2. because it won’t work. Remember the Italy-Ireland match and none of the Italians came here? And every Irish punters that abandoned Cheltenham? And how all the pubs were empty so the owners decided not to bother opening? me neither.

    “How can any citizen have respect for an authority that will tell them to obey a 105 minute time limit for their own good when it’s plainly obvious that taking personal responsibility completely overrides that? This doesn’t make sense to me. If you are taking personal responsibility then you won’t go to the pub – so the 105 minute limit is moot. If you do go out you will minimise the time you spend with others so you’ll get and leave – the 105 minutes is moot.

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