Hey I Know, Let’s Make Memes



50 computers.

Two coders.

But how much RAM, anyone?

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15 thoughts on “Hey I Know, Let’s Make Memes

  1. ReproBertie

    I remember living in Kerry in the late 1970’s (or late twentieth century as the kids are calling it these days) and being taken into the office of Kerry Co-Op to see the new computer which was a seriously big deal.

  2. pooter

    There was a factory in Finglas in the mid 80’s that made disk drives for mainframe computers. I worked there as a technician.

  3. Cian

    I remember my parent’s second PC that had a 20 MB¹ hard disk… and that was unbelievably big.

    ¹yes, 20 Megabytes. For the hard disk.

  4. bisted

    …hah…whoever thought computers could provide such nostalgia…I remember getting the first IBM Model 90…with 110MB Fixed Disk…but you had to partition it into 4…and…it came as standard with 1mb of RAM…even though DOS could only address 640k…happy days…the first thing we used do was throw away the manual…

    1. Micko

      Jeasus. Model 90! We’re all showing our age here ;)

      Can’t remember the spec of my first PC. Was a Gateway machine – 386 or a 486 I think?

      I still loved my Commodore 128 though.

  5. Truth in the News

    What about Digital in Galway in the 70’s and all the components they used to dump that did not
    meet their in house specs.

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