Los Ratlickers Ride Again


Saturday night.

Barcelona, Spain.

KN writes:

Protesters against Covid vax passes and outdoor mask mandates march through the streets to government buildings where they danced with what were obviously Far-Right conspiraloon wheelchair users…


Last week: Los Ratlickers

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6 thoughts on “Los Ratlickers Ride Again

  1. Nigel

    The wheelchair users are an interesting presence, considering the way the deaths of people with disabilities are treated as somehow ‘not counting’ when it comes to covid fatalities by the local pandemic deniers.

    1. K.Cavan

      Actually, Nigel, you raise an interesting point, although, as per usual, you firmly grasp the wrong end of the stick.
      The disregard for human life shown by the gene therapy drug-pushers, along with their gofers in Government & the media, has been appalling, given the historically unprecedented level of death & injuries they’ve caused. Thalidomide was a walk in the park in comparison but at least that was withdrawn when its toxicity was comprehended. The uselessness of the fake vaccines in providing any functional immunity beyond a nasty allergic reaction, if you’re lucky, has merely served to exacerbate the horror. In a single year, these drugs have done huge multiples of the damage that all the vaccines ever invented managed in thirty years. They’re a runaway success, if killing people is your game.
      It’s hard to discern whether the sub-human scum still cheerleading them are crazed psychopaths or just dumb as a bucket of hair. How about you, Nigel, are you thick or crazy? Ah, my mistake, the two are not mutually exclusive, one could easily be both.
      Sounds about right.

  2. Reasonable Commenter

    I love the way these guys use the ‘My body, my choice’ slogan, and it is appropriate because they are advocates for state-sanctioned murder in that sphere and now to euthanise the old and vulnerable in this one.

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