
Fox News.

“We not only fight for Ukraine we fight for this new world order for the democratic countries.”

Ukrainian Parliament member Kira Rudik




With Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, a New Cold War Arrives (Wall Street Journal)

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72 thoughts on “Under Order

  1. Sara

    I will only welcome this new world order if they will stop Roisin Ingle from publishing any more articles.

    1. Maura

      Ah! See you’ve picked up on nuance – careful now …

      Would welcome an example of your ‘parsing statements with … nuance’.

  2. goldenbrown

    been watching Kira on C4 News

    she’s super smart and not taking prisoners (unfortunately)

    ah I’m too old for her anyway

    1. goldenbrown

      btw Broadsheet

      ye need to review her interviews on the Channel4 player (News) for a better picture of who Kira is

      she’s not what seems to be getting inferred here at all at all

      that quip may be down to her English skills (how good are your Ukrainian like) and from what I’ve read and seen the context is nothing beyond repelling and resisting Putin

  3. goldenbrown

    some rats Russian oligarchs and their stuf…

    etc. etc. etc.

    take and liquidate them all to pay for the reconstruction

    also see yachts

  4. andrew

    And here we have it folks – Broadsheet up to its proverbials with same distortion of the narrative and manipulation that it gets its knickers in a twist about 24/7.

    What’s the “Gulp” for?

    There’s absolutely nothing controversial about saying Putin is attempting to destroy the current world order. And the likes of EMatty KCavan Flawless and SOQ know all too well what it is he’s contesting – and they fully support it. Putin wants a white Christian Russia with a white Christian Europe and a white Christian USA, no place for deviant homos or muslims or darkies. And whether they admit it or not, this is what the Broadsheet comment section committee want too.

    1. Bodger

      Her English is very good and I don’t wish to be pedantic but it is an important distinction. She didn’t say current world order.

      1. andrew

        There’s no distinction.

        The current world order IS the new world order. It is the post-Soviet / post-Cold War world order of liberal democracy and multiculturalism.

        I understand some people hate that and I understand why (although I don’t understand why a gay man would hate it but there we go). Personally, I love it. I love freedom and I love multiculturalism – and I am not afraid of muslims or sharia law taking over or women assuming power or gays kissing in public or dark skinned people thinking they are equal. I am fine with these things. Putin hates them – so clearly does Ematty etc. That’s all fine but can we all be honest about it?

        1. ANO

          While you could draw a line between some of the people BS have or do support and anti-multiculturalism (Putin, O’Doherty) I can’t think of any posts they’ve made that directly push that view point.

          They’re more wacky conspiracy theorists than hateful bigots.

          1. andrew

            Fair point. I am referring to the commenters, not actually Bodger etcetera. I should have been more specific, less loose with language.

        2. Bodger

          ‘The current world order IS the new world order.’

          Not from my close examination of the subject over a great many years. They are as different as York is from New York. You’ll love it.

        3. E'Matty

          Klaus seems to think a Great Reset is required to usher in the New Global Order. Give him a shout and let him know it’s been around 30 years already. He’ll be mightily pleased.

    2. ANO

      Not sure that’s fair Andrew, while the blog posts certainly seem skewed towards a certain type of mindset the actual comments under them tend to reflect more diverse points of view.

      1. andrew

        I have only been visiting this site for around 9 months but even at that I have discerned a steady shift toward right-wing, white supremacist and other despicable mindsets

        Occasionally people refer to previous commenters who no longer comment. I can see why.

        1. K.Cavan

          Well, andrewithowercase w, ya mad thing ya, you could march away in your wee jackboots, left, right, left, oh look andrewithalowercase w is the only one who’s marching in step!
          You might find volk more to your taste by creating Anschluss with the journal or annexing the Sudetenland of the IT comments section, they love jumped-up wee neo-nazis over there, sure their entire writing staff are neo-fascist moronic bleaters.
          Is your real name Adolph Missler?
          Hitler but crosseyed.
          Anyway, I’m just going to refer to you by the name Adolph from now on, if you don’t mind or even if you do, andrewithowercase w is too unweildy, just like your gargantuan self-regard.

    3. K.Cavan

      Distortion of the narrative, is it, andrew? You’re as bad as that Ukrainian MP, there’s not supposed to be a narrative, shhh! Lad, there’s a job in MI5 for you, you’ve got exactly the sort of incompetence they thrive on. You could be the new Johnny English.

    4. K.Cavan

      Wow, Adolph, you actually don’t have a clue, do ya? Yet you think you can, bejaysus, read Putin’s mind! You must think so, anyway, since let’s be clear now, he’s not said any of that, has he? He’s not even given the slightest such indication, not a sausage, bugger-all & he’s another WEF Young Global Leader, after all.
      As for the way you’ve shot yourself in both feet, well, I think our resident Queen will soon disabuse you of your ridiculous pretentions to being some sort of Woke Supersoyboy, with extra Virtue-signalling chutzpah.
      Putin was never going to accept NATO missiles a few minutes flying time from Moscow. The US knew this & they had promised Putin it would never happen but like the lying scumbag imperialists they are, they went back on that. They want to extend their hold on power, even though the game’s up & their time as the only superpower is over.
      It’s got absolutely nothing to do with the ludicrous crap your obviously over-fertile imagination has spewed into your tiny little consciousness, if you think the inevitable military defeat of Ukraine by Russia is going to “destroy the world order”, you’re just too much of an idiot to be allowed on the internet, unsupervised.
      Holy Crap Batman, Woke Supersoyboy Adolph has jumped the shark!
      andrewithalowercase s, you are the weakest link (among some very weak links).
      Goodbye but thanks for that, I needed a laugh!

  5. Micko

    Whoop whoop! More good lookin ladies with guns please.

    The media loves em.

    Can’t believe they actually cut away to a pic of her lookin hot while holding a gun. :p

    Hilarious “Verhoeven” level stuff.

    “Would you like to know more?”

    1. K.Cavan

      Chill pill, hilarious.
      I knew that phrase would make a comeback. Mark my words, I said, some feckin retarded Hobbit will…never mind.

      1. jungleman

        Why does this guy get away with being such an offensive creep on this site? Have all the moderators gone on strike?

        1. Mad

          Yea he’s a valued contributor since he went on the telly. They were looking in the bottom of the barrel and could not even find him in the Z list

        2. ANO

          I’m not familiar with the poster but they appear to be having a bit of an episode in this particular comment section, maybe a few post-mask pints went straight to their head!

  6. stephen moran

    Maybe Yves Saint Liz Trussia can lend Kira her Mrs T model tank – I’d say she make a fair bit more use of it but I don’t think she requires the tax funded photographer

    1. K.Cavan

      Ya what? You seem to be mis-spelling your own name, stephenwithalowercase s. I think you’ll find it’s M-O-R-O-N.
      I’ll just refer to you as Steo Moron, if you don’t mind or even if you do.
      Are you & Adolph the same person?
      It’s “tax-PAYER funded photographer” Alright?
      Pay attention son or Micko will go Apocalypto on ya.

  7. V aka Frilly Keane

    I’m not sure about that final photo, the WSJOpinion one

    Putin doesn’t sit that close
    certainly not face to face spitting distance
    to anyone

    He was already known as a germaphobe before Covid
    Now he’s ‘your kids were taken into foster care so that they can be trafficked to paedophiles so kill the social workers’ conspiracy level terrified of Covid
    or triggered as ye say now
    So how does that sit with all the crew who were calling it a Plandemic and Covid is a hoax
    That yere Hero is afraid of a flu

      1. V aka Frilly Keane

        ah they love him

        Shur only for him
        n’ Trump n’ all that white old man stuff

        The lad above is right
        Christian White is the common bond between them all
        Not Vaccines or Guns or World Orders or Rigged Elections or Controlled Media or killing all Paedophiles

        no forty shades or fifty shades or off or blend or a touch or a seasonal tone like Winter white

        Its Christian White
        So solid its hard

        1. Nigel

          Oh no someone was less than effusive about White Christians, the world’s most persecuted majority!

          Look, if Christian fundamentalists and hard-line Catholics and far-right neo-fascists all need a little bit of the ol’ oligarch rouble to get their hate on for the homos and the libs, that’s just freedom baby.

    1. paddy apathy

      That photo was from 31 March 2020, maybe he hadn’t gone all out Howard Hughes recluse at that point.

    2. E'Matty

      Putin is a power hungry psychopath, but to be fair, so are the leaders of the West. In truth, they’re the same team and we, the general populace, are the enemy. Rulers of the world’s countries and financial systems have far more in common with one another than any of them do with their own populations. They don’t see themselves as being tied to a nation State either, but view themselves as citizens of the world. All roads lead to a convergence of global power and ultimately a system of global governance. One world, if you will.

    3. K.Cavan

      Well, I would never have thought a woman with your pretentions would be hanging around with Putin but there ya go, what do I know, eh?
      Does he dress left or right, Frilly?
      Socks or jocks on first?
      Yer a howl.

      1. V aka Frilly Keane

        Put away the internet for a bit KCav boy

        tis the Broadsheet heroine, GemmoDoherty that is calling Putin the New Messiah and the saviour of Christianity

        Don’t ever get us confused
        you’ll find yourself in an awful mess altogether
        And I’m not sure Bodger could cope with the clean up as easy as he did last evening

        seriously lad, put down the internet for yourself
        you have no idea what you’re doing with it now

  8. f_lawless

    A Russian perspective that you won’t see or hear on the likes of RTE.

    I think this 5 minute video of a Russian man explaining his frustrations with western media and those who consume it without question, should be required viewing for anyone curious about understanding the Russian mindset that dissents from a pro-NATO interpretation of events in Ukraine. I wouldn’t expect the rabidly anti-Russian commenters on here to suddenly agree with him but you never know, they might at least get a broader understanding of perspectives such as his. Hope springs eternal ;)

    1. K.Cavan

      Janey mac, f, these goons all actually think Russians should rise up & “depose” Putin because the West doesn’t like him. Doh!
      I doubt very much if they understand concepts like objectivity & subjectivity, much less have the ability to apply them.
      The new intake is fierce disappointing, thick as tarmac. Either The Far Right is scraping the bottom of the concrete under the barrel or the creaking age profile of the Civil Service has finally come home to roost, missed the perch & broken its (right) wing in the fall.

    2. Nigel

      ‘the rabidly anti-Russian ‘

      Loving the echoes of ‘rabidly anti-American’ from back in the day.

      I really like the Russians protesting against the war. The courage to protest against the state in that totalitarian dictatorship is humbling.

      1. f_lawless

        You’re nothing if not predictable Nigel. No comment to make on the views expressed by the Russian person in the video because you didn’t even watch it. You’ve no interest in exposing yourself to a range of Russian opinion to try to get a more comprehensive understanding of what Russians think on the whole. The irony is that the person in the video does take an anti-war stance. He also has a vastly more informed opinion on the circumstances leading to the current situation than some close-minded hypocrite with a snobbish Anglocentric sense of superiority.

        1. SOQ

          Interesting how this character and one or more others have suddenly popped up again spouting their usual establishment BS- on what appears to be 12 hour shifts.

          It is also quite amusing how certain individuals are tying themselves in knots trying to keep their left wing credentials intact while also, arguing in favour of white supremacist Nazis.

          A sceptical mind would say that it is from a rehearsed script because it is hard to believe anyone would parrot in such a manner, while thinking they have any semblance of critical thinking.

          1. Nigel

            Your critical thinking skills have really been firing on all cylinders lately, haven’t they? Happy for you that you got that last one deleted before the edit button expired. Phew! Good to see your famous dislike for personal attacks is still as strong as ever.

          2. SOQ

            And there we have it- a response exactly 10 minutes later. I do enjoy the discussions on here but I won’t be wasting any more time on paid shills.

          3. Nigel

            For someone who claims to be challenging mainstream narratives you react really badly to being challenged yourself. Also, you like lying a lot.

        2. Nigel

          You think that one guy represents what Russians think as a whole? But yeah, he probably does have a vastly more informed opinion than you.

  9. Nigel

    ‘Ukrainian governmental puppets ‘

    Do you cut and paste actual Russian propaganda, or just nternalise it from reading so much of it?

    SOQ. The Chechen monster was fighting for RUSSIA.

    Edit: Oh now that SOQ’s comment is gone I wish I’d quoted more of it. Apparently if you support Ukraine you’re supporting the Chechen guy who got killed fighting for Russia.

  10. K.Cavan

    As was pointed out recently, arming civilians & putting them in harm’s way is yet another breach of the Geneva Convention. Russian soldiers will have no choice but to mow them down, the ones that don’t accidentally or deliberately kill themselves or their neighbours first. If captured, the Russians are even entitled to summarily execute them, as they’re not in uniform.
    Zelensky is one evil SOB, to do this, just for the PR effect of pics of dead civilians littering the streets. Still, he’s unlikely to face the music, the Russians will put a cap in him, if they catch him & if he escapes, The West can be relied on to have no respect for the Geneva Convention or even human life.
    Imagine if the Berlin Wall was still intact, there would be West German troops machine-gunning people trying to escape from under the thumb of totalitarianism, into the East.
    That woman won’t look so attractive with 20 extra holes & she has as much chance of getting to shoot professional soldiers as a white girl has of becoming Miss Ireland.

  11. White Dove

    Personally I found it disappointing the lack of joy at the news the Snake Island guys were still alive.

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