Tag Archives: EMI

Caboosicle writes:

Although I agree with Broadsheet’s position with regards to SOPA, I feel that
as an Irish based website, you should be more concerned when the Irish
Governments plan to restrict the ability of Irish people to use the
internet as they see fit.

On December 19, 2011, the Irish Times stated that the Minister of State for Research (among other things) plans to allow record companies and such to be allowed to seek injunctions banning internet service providers (ISPs) from allowing access to so called online piracy sites:

This comes despite an European Court Ruling (which can be found here)
from the November 24, 2011 which says:

“EU law precludes the imposition of an injunction by a national court which requires an internet service provider to install a
filtering system with a view to preventing the illegal downloading of files”, 

I find it a pity the Minister of State for Research [Sean Sherlock] has not
done his research and told EMI et al that what they are asking for is

I hope you are as concerned about the implications that this may have
as I am and I hope you will highlight this, as you see fit.