Starbucks, Food And The Homeless


article-2343979-1A630A4E000005DC-775_634x24790266400Starbucks, Westmoreland Street, Dublin, above.

Bebhinn Farrell writes:

According to the Business and Compliance section of the Starbucks Ireland website; “Starbucks believes that conducting business ethically and striving to do the right thing are vital to the success of the company”.
Every single day at closing time, Starbucks throw away an incredible amount of perfectly edible food, mere minutes after it was deemed sellable while the shop was open for business.
Starbucks policy is that they will not donate this food, and must dump it all. This not only includes healthy and filling sandwiches, but sugary baked products that easily last for days.
Stats released by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive show that in almost half of all cases last year, people presenting for help at homeless services were new to the system. In Dublin alone, there are at least 7 new homeless people EVERY DAY. The rise of homelessness in Ireland is impossible to ignore.
All it takes is a senior staff member to sit down with a capable solicitor for an hour to alter food waste policy whilst ensuring that Starbucks are protected from any potential insurance issues or ramifications. Not only can they afford it, but it would be a serious investment thanks to the positive advertisement this potentially life-changing front line charity work would provide to those most vulnerable

We know Starbucks aren’t the only establishment with these “policies”, but they also have another great opportunity. To set an example. To actually live up to their claim of “doing the right thing”.



Petition Here: Starbucks Ireland: Change your food donation policy (

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