
Mexiican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Donald Trump in Mexico City yesterday

In Mexico Trump said the wall
Is going to be built after all
But he didn’t say
Who is going to pay
I guess we’ll find out in the fall.

John Moynes

Pic: New York Times

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33 thoughts on “A Limerick A Day

  1. Nigel

    Is there any way in which any effort to enact his immigration polices as described wouldn’t result in an insane kafkaesque dystopian nightmare? The wall would end up looking like the reasonable part.

    1. The Real Jane

      Nope. Mind you, when you look at his buildings, they are also a kafkaesque dystopian nightmare. Product of the same mind.

      I like that autocorrect would prefer I do not say dystopian. It suggests Utopian. I’m sure that means something.

      1. Nigel

        His buildings are like rejected proof-of-concept designs for one of the decadent districts in our coming Hunger Games future.

          1. The Real Jane

            Capital h on “hey’, you’re rather than your.

            Also, no need for the capital D on dumb.

            Plus, you only need three ellipses.

            Other than that, well played!

          2. Nigel

            As soon as my billionaire Dad starts bailing out my failed businesses and keeping me afloat through various bankruptcies I’ll holla at you.

          3. Nigel

            human thinks being rich means it doesn’t matter what your policies are when you’re running for President of the US.

  2. andyourpointiswhatexactly?

    I like the use of fall instead of autumn. Nice descriptive word and if my memory serves me (which if oft doesn’t) I think it was brought over from England on the Whatsit Boat. Hmm. I’m going to call it the Maggie May.

    1. Paul

      Autumn; noun. Derived from the Latin ‘autumnus’ via old French ‘autompne’ (and Etruscan ‘autu’ implying a passing of the year).

      Fall; leaves in tree FALL down, that’s better than Autumn.

        1. Paul

          not really, but I do prefer ‘car’ to ‘vroom vroom’, ‘book’ to ‘word box’ and ‘winter’ to ‘the cold time’.

          if that makes me a snob, then I guess I’m a snob.

          1. pedeyw

            Fair enough, I have no real horse in this race, I was just following the logic. The namimg of seasons is pretty odd, though. We have two germanic words (summer and winter), spring which comes from “springing time” and Autumn which is Latin. English is a silly language.

  3. Tish Mahorey

    Trump should remember that Mexico is a pretty big country with a sizable population of over 120 million and plenty of allies in south America should things heat up.

  4. rory

    Interesting editors note at the end of the huff post article.
    A noble editorial stance that also happens to function as a nice bit of click bait. Which gives Trump more attention, which is exactly what Trump wants. Hot take over.

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