19 thoughts on “Orthodox And Effective

  1. Johnny

    …certain communities in NY don’t seem think the rules/guidelines apply to them, which has created a very tense atmosphere in Brooklyn,this is a short walk from Ft Green where my dojo is.

    “Tensions between police and members of New York City’s Hasidic Jewish community flared again Thursday as officers interrupted a crowded funeral procession to crack down on social distancing violators.

    Video posted on social media showed officers in protective masks chasing a minivan through Brooklyn’s Borough Park neighborhood as it carried the body of a deceased rabbi. The officers can be heard shouting at dozens of people marching behind the van to get out of the street and onto the sidewalk.”


    There has been a exodus from NY with every available house in Hamptons fully rented since April until end season,most offices are closed, anyone who can is simply putting everything on pause until after Labor Day (Sept)-we don’t have pay any rent on the office until then, most simply aren’t paying commercial or residential rents-courts all closed until Sept-so there is nothing Landlords can do…FREE HOUSES!

    1. Clampers Outside

      I’m not surprised people are doing this after what they’ve seen over the past couple of weeks…. In fairness.

      1. Termagant

        Except that story is from the 1st of May, before the world was swept into this very trendy anti-cop frenzy. It’s just plain entitlement.

        1. Johnny

          That’s todays paper-the funeral was earlier,Phase 2 NY next Monday, Cumo this morning-all parks are open Monday.

          “Once the epicenter of the national COVID epidemic with more than 20,000 virus deaths, New York City now has one of the country’s lowest infection rates. A wrong move could have devastating effects; that’s already happening elsewhere across the country. Cuomo urges New Yorkers to stay smart, citing data that shows COVID is raging anew in nearly half of America’s states, most of which have had much looser reopenings than the one underway in New York.

          Right now, the percentage of New York City residents testing positive over a seven-day rolling average is just 1 percent. That’s a far cry from the 59 percent it experienced at the peak of the crisis earlier this spring. Statewide, that seven-day rolling average is also 1 percent.

          Just 17 new daily deaths were reported overnight, Cuomo said in his daily briefing Wednesday. Ten weeks ago, New York was losing nearly 800 people a day.”


        2. Janet, dreams of spidercrab

          everything is a frenzied self indulged orgy of rage these days, it’s what this century will be remembered for

          1. Johnny

            The NY protests have all being very peaceful,African drumming before, calls to prayer by modern day Black Panthers/Muslim Brotherhood in the evenings,free water,masks and hand sanitizer.

            This particular group above has tremendous voting power in NY and especially Brooklyn its a rather long and complicated history, but significant resentments were built up by these groups openly flouting the guidelines/rules …then along came BLM.

            As a aside and one that surprised me at one or two the marches the organizers decided to take the protests into the ‘Jewish’ hoods of Brooklyn-the sound of glass breaking in Prospect Park is a lot louder than in Bed-Sty so if things went off due to the NYPD over policing, then Park Slope Jewish store owners/residents would be sweeping up the glass…only in New York !

          2. SOQ

            @ Johnny

            The NY protests have all being very peaceful

            Looting and Rioting DID occur in NYC otherwise- they had a curfew why?

          3. Johnny

            Most the cops who are fat and unfit simply could not keep their s*it together so they got go home early-manpower really SOQ-they had Nat Guard ready and on stand by if needed, say the looters got out hand…..

            NYPD are I think around 30,000 they had also been hit hard themselves by COVID-exhausted ,worn out, the curfew was ignored,probably ended up getting more people like me out on the streets over it….

    2. Paul

      “Certain communities”. Why did you take the time to write this whole monologue? Would anti semitism have anything to do with it? Irish are obsessed with Jews some reason.

  2. Paul

    This post and the entire comments section reeks of anti semitism. “This group have tremendous voting power” … “entitlement” etc etc. Why are irish people so obsessed with Jews and hating them and everything they do?

    1. italia'90

      Glad I’m not the only one that noticed that about you know who’s comments also.
      You will no doubt be abused from on high with the owners permission.

      1. Papi

        He also lives in New York, apparently. Not that you’d cop that from his modesty. May smoke weed too.

      2. Vanessanelle

        Ah no
        I wouldn’t be too quick to read that into these posts
        NY and particularly Brooklyn and Queens is very segregated
        and along the worst front line of all

        And the residents themselves are pretty obnoxious about it
        Go around Kew Gardens – and the schools,
        especially in December / New Years

        Its like Glasgow on Derby Day

        In Manhattan, they just adjust their relationship with their neighbours by the measure of their wealth
        Or their infamy
        Bit like here actually
        Especially the Summer, and amongst the holiday home sets

        I probably know Johnny Hamptons better than most of ye
        He’s not a bigot
        A bit cranky alright
        And he has done very well for himself, 100% self made
        so why shouldn’t he enjoy it

        Don’t be dicks lads, stop reading hate into stuff
        That’s what Katie Hopkins does

  3. Johnny

    From NY’s Daily News i take it you know who owns the News….Mort Zuckerman !
    “Leaders in the ultra-Orthodox community have, over the years, discovered the power they wield through coordinating a “bloc vote.” Politicians were quick to pick up on it, and in each election, a competition takes place to secure this bloc vote, which in a divided Democratic primary can often seal the deal.
    Needless to say, it doesn’t come cheap; In addition to goodies like voucher funding, ultra-Orthodox leaders demand maximum autonomy for their communities in return.”


    Ps-I live a short stroll from this park and very familiar with the politics.

    1. Johnny

      link above is well worth a read to decipher some my tip toeing around this issue…yep tremendous voting power and yes a sense of entitlement in that they insist on one set rules for themselves, specifically in health and education !

      Why ultra-Orthodox weddings and funerals persist: Coronavirus mistakes come after years of political pandering-by Naftuli Moster-executive director of Yaffed.

      “In one 2013 campaign speech in Williamsburg, a Hasidic leader, in the presence of de Blasio, said that the candidate had promised to do away with any restrictions on metzizah b’peh, a controversial post-circumcision practice that has been linked to the transmission of herpes to infants, should he get elected with the help of the Hasidic community. He was elected and soon weakened the standards.”

      “These are just a handful of recent examples; similar pandering goes back decades. It’s doubtful de Blasio really approves of the possibility of a mohel with herpes putting his mouth on an 8-day-old baby’s circumcision wound. It’s also safe to say that Cuomo doesn’t approve of thousands of children being denied an education. But to them, this was the price of politics.”

      “When the coronavirus first began spreading in New York City, some people immediately knew where the hardest hit areas would be. The Purim holiday was only days away, when the amount of mingling and food sharing is even greater than usual. Anyone with a basic understanding of science and how viruses are transmitted could foresee what would transpire. But ultra-Orthodox leaders clearly didn’t, and they bear a great deal of responsibility for what happened.”

      “Moving forward, elected officials and candidates for office who want to win the support of ultra-Orthodox leaders ought to draw a line they refuse to cross: anything that involves having a different set of rules for one community, or which involves endangering the health and educational well-being of children, is off-limits. No amount of votes is worth compromising people’s lives.”

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