Don’t Mention It


This afternoon.

Thanks, Paul

It was nothing.

Over 30% of adults have received first vaccine dose – HSE (RTÉ)


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6 thoughts on “Don’t Mention It

  1. Broadbag

    4-5 months to get 1 dose into 30% of the population isn’t exactly a stellar performance, I know it’s mostly held up by supply but still…

    1. Cian

      Should the EU have been like the UK or US and kept all it’s production for the EU? To hell with the rest of the world?
      Should we have been like Hungry/Malta and bought Sputnik/Beijing CNBG?
      It it moral that we are vaccinating 50-year-olds when the developing world isn’t getting vaccines for their high-risk 70+ population?

      1. Broadbag

        There isn’t much moral in the world Cian, we don’t fairly or equally distribute wealth, food, resources, medicines in general, aid, etc… so I doubt we’re going to start now with this.

        But the post isn’t about that it’s about how the HSE are trumpeting these figures as if they’re some great achievement, when they’re not.

  2. Smith

    How dare you, the gall of…
    *runs out the front door furiously clapping myself*

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