Wrapped In A Riddle


Ukrainian refugees arrive in Poland this week

Riddle of Reality

Did you know the internet use to be a fun place for watching animal videos?
Instead of watching humanity’s real time demise.
I sit and I scroll through Facebook.
No longer laughing at family anecdotes.
Rather I’m watching this game of chess play out between our world leaders.
The bayonet sings,
As little toy soldiers stain the ground.
History awakened in a denied collective crime.
It started with a virus but it’s ignorance that clogs our veins.
Photographs on my timeline that capture a horror no worse than Stephen King.
Peace menaced by a tyrant.
I can not comprehend this.
Make sense of the senseless.
Reality is a riddle.
The muppets in power continue  this masquerade of sagacity.
I question their sanity.
Everyday this delirium grows.

Aoife Cunningham

Previously: Aoife on Broadsheet


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6 thoughts on “Wrapped In A Riddle

  1. Ian - Gone

    Great piece there Aoife but try lay off the doom scrolling, at least in the evenings. I have a ‘no bad news’ rule that kicks in about 2-3 hours before bed.

  2. benblack

    It’s called waking up, Aoife.

    Welcome to your dual reality – the reality you know to be true through critical thinking and the reality you’re supposed to believe in promulgated by the powers that be.

    Don’t fall back to sleep now!

        1. White Dove

          They say genius is being able to perceive more than one reality and still stay sane.

          We’re all becoming geniuses (genii? genies??) now.

          Thanks, Aoife.

          Your poem captures the current mood exactly.

  3. TenPin Terry

    ” An enigma wrapped in a riddle wrapped in bacon …. nom,nom,nom ” – Homer Simpson.

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