Tag Archives: Richard Dawkins

“You learn by being challenged, by being placed in an uncomfortable position…”

Gad Saad (above right), Lebanon-born, Canada-based ‘evolutionary psychologist’ and popular YouTuber takes apart the reasoning behind the withdrawal by Trinity College’s Hist debating  society of an invite to Richard Dawkins (above left) to speak at the college.

Reasons given by the Hist were Mr Dawkins’ views on Islam and his attitude to sexual assault.

Previously: Where Is Your God Now?

Devout Catholic David Quinn (left) and firm atheist Richard Dawkins

This afternoon.

Yesterday: Where Is Your God Now?

Evolutionary biologist and outspoken atheist Richard Dawkins

Last night.

Trinity College’s Historical Society (the Hist) cancelled an invitation to Richard Dawkins to address the society next year over his views on Christianity Islam and sexual assault.

Via University Times:

Auditor of the Hist Bríd] O’Donnell said in an Instagram post:

“The invitation to Richard Dawkins to speak at the society was made by my predecessor and I followed up the invitation with limited knowledge of Mr. Dawkins. I had read his Wikipedia page and researched him briefly. Regretfully I didn’t look further into him before moving forward with the invitation.”

I want to thank everyone who pointed out this valuable information to me. I truthfully hope we didn’t cause too much discomfort and if so, I apologise and will rectify it.”

In an email statement to The University Times, O’Donnell said:

The comfort of our membership is paramount, and we will not be proceeding with Professor Dawkins address. I apologise for any distress caused by this announcement, and the Hist will continue to listen and adapt to the needs and comfort of students.”

The Hist Will ‘Not Be Moving Ahead’ With Richard Dawkins Address (Cormac Watson and Mairead Maguire, University Times)




Thanks Joe Donnelly

Biologist, philosopher, and atheist prophet Richard Dawkins really put his foot in it. The New Statesman says Dawkin’s career as a public intellectual is kaput. The Atlantic Wire has him losing a flame-war against his very own fan base. In the blogosphere, the most devoted Dawkinsians—people who’ve spent their adult lives in adoration of his every utterance—are boycotting his books and calling him a buffoon. A classist, male chauvinistic, and potentially racist buffoon. And why?

Because some asshole in Ireland doesn’t know how to ask a girl on a date.

Wait. WHAT?

READ ON: Richard Dawkins Torn Limb from Limb – By Atheists (Gawker)