Tag Archives: San Francisco

A CGI homage to the action films of the 70s and 80s from Passion Pictures, written and directed by Dan Sumich:

An ordinary looking guy wakes up one morning feeling the worse for wear and realises he’s run out of milk. As he drags himself out of the house to go and buy some, an extraordinary sequence of events draws him into a journey of mayhem on the streets of San Francisco.


The music video for Kalle Mattson’s ‘Water Falls’ directed by Kevin Parry contains a series of innovative ‘zoom slingshots’ through San Francisco. Explaining to Colossal, Parry sez:

The zooms are done by setting up a camera at each end location and filming the camera zooming in and out. The middle parts are done by putting a camera on the front of my scooter and driving the spanning distance. All that footage is then animated after the fact, only using a very small amount of the frames that were actually filmed. And everything is lined up, cropped, etc. to fit my needs. The spins are done by carefully mapping out a circle around whatever target, and picking roughly 36 locations to shoot a still from. Those photos are then processed, and lined up after the fact.

See all the slingshots as individual motion-sickness inducing, bandwidth gobbling gifs here



“Hopefully people like this. This represents 23 hours of non stop work, not including breaks. If you are gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual or whatever hopefully you appreciate something about it. If you do let us know in comment form. Peace.” Glowpunk.


Irish feel goodsters Glowpunk at the birthplace of gay for the 2012 San Francisco Gay Pride parade at the weekend.

Their host: computer-game-guy-to-sweary-but-sober-stand-up, Chris Duncan.

Glowpunk (Facebook)