22 thoughts on “One Job

  1. Mikeyfex

    Cool. reminds me of working in the outdoor swimming pool as a kid when the 30m rope would be brought out to pull the pool cover on at the end of the day. Great fun was always had sending a wave through the rope. If there was a kid or light person holding the other end they often ended up grazing a knee or in the water.

    Anyway, looks like that.

      1. Mikeyfex

        Ya, that was lethal. Or swimming under it and touching the wall and swimming back – a few nail biters were had on those late summer evenings. Normally got the shift out of it though.

  2. budgie

    Or just leave the line straight? Who cares about the bin. I’m sure whoever put down the line had a great laugh about it with his mates, a kick up the hole would see justice served.

    1. dav

      yes they are usually bolted down, but because it’s somebody doing manual labour some on here want to criticise. Irish workers have been betrayed by such people since the foundation of the state.

      1. george

        The suggestion is that it might be worth taking the time to move the bin when adding the cycle lane rather than doing a bodge job and leaving it like this for years.

        1. dav

          The reality being that the lad doing the painting would not have the tools remove said bin & then secure it back after the painting has been done. The other, sadder reality would be the lack of a budget to remove/replace bin.

  3. Mr. T.

    “Could they not just move the bin into the grass?”

    Yes. Yes they could do that and sort of just place the steel bin onto the soft ground that is grass and muck.

  4. RonĂ¡n FitzGerald

    Besides, what difference does it really make. It’s not like the cyclists will stick to the cycle path anyway!

  5. St. John Smythe

    Think it looks amazing. A bit of variety and visual tension are added into the long boring linear element.

  6. Dara

    Paint a line on a footpath, add a stencil of a bike and call it a cycle lane. What a waste of ‘car’ tax, we should be using these artists to paint a motorway between Cork and Limerick.

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