17 thoughts on “Lame Stream

  1. george

    Drove across from the other side of the road for it too… Pearse street station need to start facilitating deliveries from Pearse Street where they have an entrance for motor vehicles.

  2. The Dude

    Hahaha. Seen it before. Twit parks obnoxiously. Returns to find tyres down. Twit avoids repeat performances.

    Awful pity if such occurs.

  3. scottser

    i can’t wait to get my fat cheeks back on a bike and i don’t care if my barely lycra-covered crack is shown to the world and my high-blood pressure sweat soaks passers by.

  4. AssPants

    The photographer appears to miss Merrion Square south everytime.

    At least one vehicle parked on the corner of Merrion Square South and Leinster House, near the post box, everyday on double yellow lines; yet never clamped?????

  5. topsy

    What’s with the picture or why has it been submitted.
    Empty street, so cycle anywhere you like.
    Just stay off the paths which are for PEDESTRIANS.

    1. SB

      Maybe submitted to highlight flagrant breaches of the law by idiots, putting other people (especially children) at risk?

    2. Col

      Are vans allowed on paths? Because the van in the photo is on the path.
      Maybe you meant “paths which are for PEDESTRIANS AND SOMETIMES VANS”?

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