They ‘Need To Be Reined In’


Last night.

RTÉ One’s The Week in Politics.



You’re an angry elf.

Thanks Vanessa

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28 thoughts on “They ‘Need To Be Reined In’

  1. SOQ

    We were told that masks were only needed when social distancing was not possible- are they not socially distanced?

    1. Micko


      Crown is just looking to trigger some people. He’s trying to stay relevant.

      As an Oncologist his opinion is null and void.

      1. SOQ

        Dolores Cahill appears to have been involved in an interesting case about masks in Germany where teachers for example can now be liable for any harm they do to children so surprise suprise- the teachers are now pushing back against the government mandates.

        She speaks about it here.

      2. Qwerty123

        Ya, a bloody oncologist, what would they know? About as much as a taxi driver on the subject. He is irrelevant for sure, nobody dies from cancer anymore.

  2. eoin

    Masks do nothing ‘Professor’ Crown. Germs and bacteria are smaller than smoke particles and masks don’t stop smoke. So tired of this nonsense. Professor my pinky little bottkins.

    1. Just Sayin

      It’s not true that masks do nothing, while most covid / bacteria will pass through in aerosol form. some virus / bacteria will be trapped in the mask in droplet form.

      If you collect enough droplets and let the mask dry out a bit, then the clump of virus can be expelled at force if you sneeze / cough. (alternatively you may breathe in the concentrated virus)

      The accumulated virus / bacteria on the mask surface is also excellent for contaminating your hands, so you can effectively spread infection on many surfaces.

      1. Cian

        the Danish study showed no significant difference in COVID among mask wearers and non-mask wearers. Wearing a mask doesn’t increase the risk of infection for the mask wearer.

  3. Fed Up

    I really can’t stand this nonsense any more. If you have no symptons e.g. cough, temperature etc. then you are not sick. Even if you are asymptomatic you are not shedding virus or shedding such low amounts as to be negligible. If you are showing symptoms then the science says mask wearing may or may not have any useful effect. On the precautionary principle you might consider wearing a mask.

    The mask fetish is nothing more that virtue signalling.

  4. broadbag

    Big studio, socially distanced, no need for masks.

    As for many other comments, whole lotta maskflakes up in this thread.

  5. Rudy

    A question for those who are adamant that masks don’t work: would you be happy for a surgeon to operate on you if she wasn’t wearing a mask?

    1. SOQ

      Work for what?

      The reason surgeons wear masks is to prevent bacterial infections- zero evidence they prevent viral. If they did, then why were we not wearing all this time during other flu seasons eh? The flu virus is larger than SARS-CoV-2.

      1. Daisy Chainsaw

        Because there’s a vaccine for the flu available every year.

        And maskholes wouldn’t wear them anyway cos it’s “only the flu” and it only kills the old and vulnerable.

        1. SOQ

          Flu vaccine is maximum 50% effective dear- do try and keep up.

          And what did we do with the old and the vulnerable before this year eh? You’d swear this was the first respiratory virus we have ever encountered if the Corona Hystericals are to be believed.

      2. Jon Smoke

        In Asian countries it has been common practice for years for people to wear masks in public during the flu season or if the have a cold and are coughing and sneezing. We have just never bothered in the West.

    2. Just Sayin

      Yes, look at the research and you will see that surgical masks actually increase the risk of post-op infection. (admittedly by a pretty small amount).

      The purpose of the surgical mask it to protect the surgeon from blood spatter if they are using a bone saw etc…

      If a surgeon has the flu, they will not operate rather than attempting to use the mask as protection for the patient.

    3. John Smith


      Surgeons wear masks in a setting that is appropriate for mask-wearing and that allows for correct mask etiquette to prevent cross-contamination – I’ve worked in sterile settings and have seen how meticulously the rules are followed. Correct mask etiquette is effectively impossible in non-sterile settings – try following the guidlines with santising/hand washing at various stages and bags for clean masks and used masks, only handling masks by the straps, even when putting them in a polythene bag, using a fresh mask every time you take one off and never pulling one down (always taking it off, instead, and using a new one), etc. When you’ve perfected the skills – Government advice says you need to practise – try doing it where there is nowhere to put things down so you have to hold everything AND carry out the process, with just one pair of hands!.

      I think it unlikely that very many people even try always to follow the correct etiquette. Even if they know what the etiquette is, following it is, as I say, too difficult. In reality, wearing the same mask several times is quite normal. Does everone put on a fresh mask each time they go to the toilet while at a restaurant or if they just need to blow their nose? In many cases, masks get pulled down or are taken off, folded up, put in pockets, taken out and put on again, no attempt being made to avoid touching the part that might be contaminated. How often are hands sanitised after masks are taken off?

      Yet, if correct mask etiquette is not used then cross-contamination is to be expected, if the virus is present. As Just Sayin pointed out, ‘The accumulated virus / bacteria on the mask surface is also excellent for contaminating your hands, so you can effectively spread infection on many surfaces’.

  6. V AKA Frilly Keane

    Dunno about ye
    But I’m wondering if the Professor was actually having a sly dig at the other Professor
    The O’Neill one

    Who was again on the telly over the weekend being interviewed maskless

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