In a clip from a longer performance featuring interpretations of several of the band’s songs, (which spent just 24 hours on YouTube recently but may return), dancers from the Polish National Ballet perform to Radiohead’s ‘Reckoner’.

As you see, it works very well.


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5 thoughts on “Ballediohead

  1. Hank

    I saw somewhere the other day that Pablo Honey was released 28 years ago this month.
    Feeling old?
    You’re welcome.

      1. bertie blenkinsop

        I used to work with a guy who’d sing….

        “People always told me be careful of what you do
        And don’t go around breaking young girls in….”

        1. Brother Barnabas

          I’m sure I’m not the only one who laughed and then immediately thought… oh, no

          (I worked with a fellow from sligo (in NY) who would wish jews ‘happy holocaust’ during hanukkah)

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