A Limerick A Day


Local authorities will be asked to put extra bins and toilets on city streets

It’s long been considered a sin
Not to put your rubbish in the bin
Now our rulers declare
That they’ll give us somewhere
To throw all our empty cans in

John Moynes


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4 thoughts on “A Limerick A Day

  1. goldenbrown

    people seem to have lost the ability to fend for themselves, I despair, it’s really very easy:

    – go into town to enjoy yourself with your friends but take a black sack along neatly rolled up in the pocket of your jeans
    – discharge empties into said black sack
    – tie up black sack and deposit neatly beside the permanent bins when you’ve eventually reached your fill line (or even better bring em home with you)

    everyone happy

    christ almighty do I have to solve yet another problem for everyone?? lol

    (major commercial trick missed here btw, drinks reps coulda done branded waste bags and had their beautiful people handing them out to drinkers on the streets but like what do I know)

  2. Donald McCarthy

    Sri Lanka is a lovely place to dump rubbish. People seem to think that our responsibility for our rubbish ends with a street bin.

  3. Daisy Chainsaw

    Shame the lazy dirtbirds can’t take the bag they brought their cans in home with the empties.

    Get out in the fresh air, enjoy the company of friends and a few scoops in good weather, but have the decency to clean up after yourself.

    1. Redundant Proofreaders Society

      Agree with litter-responsibility, but there’s nowhere left to go! You’re either met with fenced-off public spaces, are asked to ‘move on’, are locked into parks, get You-Tubed or get spotted and reported by Rovin’ Tony.

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