Tag Archives: Catholicism


How many of us think about our moral code, the set of values and beliefs that we live by. I Heard of a parent recently who sent the child to a Catholic school and then insisted that the child should have nothing to do with with Communion, Confirmation, Prayers or religious activities. So much for the rights of the child! As a nation we have a very ambivalent attitude to morals and values. On the one hand we espouse predominantly Christian beliefs and yet on the other hand, we act in very unchristian ways. There is plenty of evidence that we actually follow the premise of “do as I say not as I do “ when it comes to giving moral direction to children and teenagers. Sadly many parents have become detached from the religious significance of the sacraments and so the focus switches to the secular aspects, purchase of Communion clothes, family celebration (bouncing castles), who to invite and how much money do I give as a present ( to be continued next week).

Parish Notes, St Joseph’s Church (above), Glasthule, Co Dublin

Thanks Brian


Everything you needed to know about being a good Catholic wife in 1938 but were afraid to ask.

Your husband comes first in the house. His will should prevail. Therefore you belong to him more than to your parents (p. 23).

You are beginning a new life which you have entered through sacred doors. It was not a mere ceremony which took place before God’s altar. God’s hands were extended over you in blessing for the holy task which lies before you (p. 3)

And, in the context of the recent debate Ireland has had on abortion, here’s a section called ‘A Murderess’

When the mother’s life is endangered by the birth of the child, the life that is coming may not be destroyed. Even the doctor may not do this. He may do all that is possible to save the mother’s life except anything that would directly destroy the life of the child … Woe to the mother who is a murderess! (p. 26).

Good times.

‘Your Husband Comes First in the House’: a Catholic Guide for The Young Wife (Ciara Meehan)